Focus on Jesus in the mists of a storm, who was focusing on Jesus, Peter. not the rest of the disciples, where were they, they were sitting in a boat. i like to think that Peters gaze was not just upon Jesus, but his whole life was focused towards the ways and life of Jesus, his teacher after He had called him by the waters.
We could easily say that Peter getting out the boat took risk, it took guts, he was doing something no one else in the boat was doing. getting out the boat had a cost to pay, there was growth and risk that came with Peter taking that step, asking God to call him out onto the waters.
let's take moment to look at the lives of those in the boat. there two groups of people there. those who sit in the boat and those who walk on water and step out. Those who sit comfortably in the boat and called boat Potatoes. let me explain.
Have you ever sat in a lazy boy, those huge comfortable leather couches. the best one ive ever sat in, is at the VIP movie theatre in Pav. so so comfy, you don't want to get out. have you got that picture in your mind. it's just extremely comfortable. you can easily turn over and fall can become a couch potatoe, someone who sits back wathcing TV all day.
im reluctant to say we have two of them at home. you can comfortably sit in it all day, but the comfyness, if thats a word, is wearing away, its fading.
see too much comfort is dangerous. really, researchers at the UNi of California did an expermiment sometime ago that involved introducing an amoeba (a single celled organism. that doesnt do much.) into a perfectly stress- free enviroment to which it had to make no adjustment at all. so you would think that that was was one happy little amoeba.
what ever caused amoebasa to die, let that be high blood pressure or ulsers had goe because of this perfect environement.
but yet, oddly enough it died. appertly there is something about all living creaters, even amoebas , that demand challange. we require challange, because comfort alone will kill us.
theres two ways the year ahead can look. are you going to be a boat potato- sitting back and watching Peter grow?
or are you going to be like Peter. stepping out in faith, seeing the winds and the waves, being comfortable to fail when a storm might come, knowing Jesus hand will be there, waiting to catch you.
what might be your challenge for the year ahead. maybe we should have had some sign up sheets around? how might you serve in your church next year, how could you lead a small group a small team, learn a new skill, minister to that person at work. find out what your shape migth be a get active.
which way are you going to follow.
try use your imagination for a momenent. imagine your life is over. BOOM done and dusted. and you being led to a small room. there are two chairs. not lazy boys, just normal chairs.
one for you and one for God. theres a video playing, its a video of your life. labeled what might have been. imagine watching that video, with all God might have done with your life if you had let him,if you had taken the step out the boat. if you have been willing to grow. seeing what God could have done with your money, and tithe, if you had trusted him with it. what He might have done with the gift or skill, if you trusted him with it. what God might have doen with your relationship/ marriage if you intrusted Him to lead it. or you character develop if you took the challenges given to you.
whats your next day, month, year and life going to look like, if you focus on Jesus. not just setting you gaze on him, but focusing your life on Him.
He is the God of reward, do yo have faith in Him to run your race true. he has wonderful things in store for those who steward his tresure wisely. are you going to have Faith for all God has, are you going to ask God. Call me out! speak to me, Call me out. im ready to be used by you, i have faith to be used by you!