*WORKING MEMORY is a system for temporarily storing and managing the information required to carry out complex cognitive tasks such as learning, reasoning, and comprehension. Working memory is involved in the selection, initiation, and termination of information-processing functions such as encoding, storing, and retrieving data.
Sensory Memory
Sensory memory is the first stage of memory. Its purpose is to give your brain time to process incoming information
Processes information gathered through your five senses. It holds information for an extremely brief of time after the original stimulus has stopped.
Types of Sensory Memory
Iconic Memory is the visual sensory memory that holds the mental representation of your visual stimuli.
Short-Term Memory
Holds information you are actively thinking about. It lasts for a very brief amount of time and can only hold 7+/- 2 pieces of information at once.
Short term memory holds information temporarily, pending further processing.
unlike sensory memory which holds the complete image received by your senses, short term memory only stores your interpretation of the image.
Long-Term Memory
Holds information for long periods even permanently. It seemingly can hold an unlimited amount of information.
Some information in your long term memory is easy to recall, while others memories are much more difficult to retrieve.