Short Story Idea
Start with the protagonist yelling to his love one because he/she got killed by someone
Start of a story could be someone on a bar drinking or smoking or doing whatever looking at the camera and saying.... Let me tell you what happened to me....
let your readers wondering what's going to happend next
al principio puede ser... quienes son estos personajes? que estan haciendo? porque me deberia importar?
Dont avoid conflict find it and make an upcome that's unespected. allow the conflict to happend. make it so a conflict changes everythign!, test things. of the outcome
Sometimes characters gets what they need, no necessarily what they want
What's the story about
Not finding love
Moving to a new place and not finding friends
Feeling like you can't find someone that's similar to you
Being convince that you are on the right but ended up discovering you are not
Truly forgiving someone
Finding your calling in Life
Stop procrastinating about following your passion
Sometimes doing the wrong thing is the right thing to do
How to learn to do something very complex and don't procrastinate about it
Believing in yourself and the power that you have
Sometimes people just want to use you
What's the price of curiosity
How to fight with yourself
Feeling stuck and how to overcome it
What's the cost of success
Exploring the unknown and finding the unexpected true about humanity
Liking the idea of something instead of the process of doing it
Problems are inevitable and that's ok
Being used and manipulated by someone
Facing disappointment about someone you really care about
Coping with the idea that you are going to die
an unexpected dead
there are 2 ways of seeing someone better than you.
Fighting the bombs of distraction to focus on your goals
caring about something and willing to do anything to protect it
Don't let anyone tell you you can't do something you want to do. protect your dreams
Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter dont mind
Being ok with being alone
Titans can be defeated
Long distant Friendship
you have a story when you have 2 characters with different needs/wants and put them to collide
Not being able to express the way you love someone because on some situations that can be a bad thing for the relationship even if both of you love each other
The Characters discovers the rules of the world by making mistakes, dont tell the rules, show it
Let things happens to your characters
Modern day slightly future days Magic world
they remplaced Gloves for the "wands"
Group of Fashionable teens / young adults
una scena en un tren o medio de transporte en donde uno le pone la mano encima de otra mano de otra persona y dice... hey... todo saldra bien, el plan funcionara.
They have to take regular jobs and there are some funny situations out of that
Some people that can't use magic hates the magic people
An start could be being at a place where ta character is being interrogated about what happended
The clash about magic and science envy and jealousy
Losing friends because of distance
Group Dynamics and how members of a group react differently to different things
when describing something, describe how somethings feels intead of how it looks
To write comics he make notes about what's going to happend on each page, make a numbered list and describe wha'ts in each page with few words
He write a description for every panel and the dialogue, you can also write the camera placement or any ideas you have
before the script he makes a page sketch where you can visualize the amount of information a page or a panel can have
Short story with the setup on the Source World
Coping with the idea that you are going to die?
The feeling of Being used and manipulated/use by someone
when you express your love for someone things start to go wrong
How the story Ends
The main character is heartbroken, and have to cope with the feelings of seeing how expresing himself cause a relationship to end.
What's the beginning
Things went wrong and the character have to cope with the feelings of seeing how expresing himself cause a lot of problems
What if, si para proteger a una persona entra en pánico y libera todo su poder para derrotar al enemigo que tiene a la novia y cuando el personaje libera su poder para rescatarla termina matando a la novia también porque no pudo controlar lo que sentía
Lying is like making a debt with the true and the true is going to be known eventually
Sources of Inspiration and things I love
One piece
Harry Potter
Game of Thrones
The last of us
Super smash brothers
Badass Animations
Serial Season 1
Conviction Podcast
Me gusto el personaje, el detective, la forma en la que piensa, su personalidad su sentido de justicia y venganza. Lo apasionado que es a lo que hace.
El principio de Star wars force awaken
Las peleas
El humor
La variedad de diseños de personajes
El amor de luffy hacia sus nakamas
La forma en como funcionan las frutas/poderes/haki
El sentido de que el mundo sigue avanzando afuera de los personajes principales. el mundo sigue adelante sin importar lo que hagan los strawhats
La forma en la que hace que odies a los enemigos, y la satisfaccion que genera cuando los derrotan
La confianza que tiene luffy si sus nakamas si uno de ellos dicen que haran algo. luffy confia en ellos al 100%
La forma en la que Zoro haria lo que fuera por luffy y sus nakamas
El estilo de pelea de 3 espadas de Zoro
El sistema de recompensa, que le da un medidor de power level a los personajes que son introducidos
El sentido de jerarquia con enemigos y personjes importantes/respetados en la historia. 1) Piratas, 2) lo peor de la nueva generacion, 3) Shishibukai, 4) Yonkou y la jerarquia de la marina, 1) Marines 2) capitanes 3) vice almirantes 4) Almirantes 5) el jefe de los almirantes 6) world goverment
Lo expresivas que son las emociones
La forma en la que el manga introduce personajes
las scenas de peleas y de personajes importantes
La division de grupos, y el conflicto que se hace entre los diferentes grupos
El pacing del manga, siempre esta pasando algo interesante
Lo detallado que son sus fondos
La forma en la que cada panel del manga se siente como si fueran frames de peliculas por la forma en la que usa la camara y el enfoque y el tipo de camara que usa
El diseño de la base secreta militar del coronel
El misterio de los hechizos y encantamientos
El worldbuilding, Los artefactos/objetos/plantas comida, libros etc etc
El sacrificio de hermioni cuando le tuvo que borrar la memoria a sus padres
La pocion que hace que te transformes en otra persona
Voldemort es un villano interesante que de verdad quiere matar a Harry
The deady hollows part 1, la forma como termina con la muerte de dobby, y el sentido de busqueda por los artifacts, la tristesa por la muerte de dumbledore, la forma en la que recuperan el castillo hogwarts
La historia de Arya y como hacen que la audiencia de verdad quiera ver su venganza.
La batalla de los bastardos.
La batalla de jaime con Dani
La forma en la que no tienen miedo de matar personajes principales
La musica
La relacion de Ellie y Joel
La forma en le pasan cosas interesantes al mundo por la destruccion y eso
La variedad de personajes y las diferentes formas de peleas
El Esports
El sentido de flow y movimiento
La forma en como los host estaban intentando conseguir evidencia de lo que paso
El sentido de que a la persona que pusieron presa no es la persona correcta y que el asesino puede seguir suelto
La forma en la que Rei vive en el desierto buscando partes de naves etc para vender y hacer comida y tal
Detective Story in a magical world
Young Adult Mages
Using phone
Thinking about future
Good sense of fashion
Social Media
Influencer, youtube twitch instagram
Love Partners
Goals and Dreams
hard to pay attention
checking instagram
watching videos
losing time
doing emails
ordering food
Do the incubation
Now look for photos is key things
make a collage with words and ref
Do rough sketches with ideas
make combinations and think about and idea/story moment
dont focus on anatomy, just if the idea is coming across
Spellbook app
apps for mages
Who is my character
how does my character look like
The design Process is finding a visual representation of who the character is
Bonus tool you can think about
What do you do when you lose over and over again because you can't use the same force as your enemy and seeing injustice and viveza wins everytime
Character description
ask youself why for the character description and write a reasoning for everything
Who my character?
A wizard rebel is tired of losing over and over again to injustice, manipulation, corruption, and abuse of power decides that he had enough and start taking actions by it's own hands and gets a group together of like-minded people to break the cycle and kick overthrow the rulers out
In current times/near future a smart 26 year-old wizard rebel of notorious for being one of the first rebels to actually confront the enemies and seen a slight victory, getting away with it makes some people start seeing him as a possible leader that could guide the other rebels to finally win and end the injustice. He is very determinate, passionate and very humble to everyone he meets. And now he finds himself in a situation where other people look at him like the possible solution to the problem and he is not prepared for that. He embarks on a journey with the help of others to prepare himself, make a plan, find a crew and overthrow the ruler.
direct reference is the pirate
indirect reference is the bikers/mafia etc etc things related to that, that can add to the design
Determinate, passionate
Near future
Un futuro cercano donde no hay mechas gigantes ni naves espaciales nada loco asi sci fi. es solo una sociedad desarrollada cerca de la realidad que tiene algunos aspectos futuristas, como gadgets, telefonos y la forma en la que funciona la ciudad.
Fue criado por su madre y de ella aprendio a ser humilde ante las situaciones, cuando se crio veia cuando otras personas de dinero o rango mas alto le hacian bullying a otros niños y pensaba que no era correcto hacer eso e intentaba defenderlo pero siempre terminaba golpeado. De ahi decidio que no queria ser ese tipo de personas.
Su padre murio defendiendo una injusticia, y por eso el esta determinado a acabar con el ruler y cambiar todo.
Hubo un evento que desperto sus abilidades, esto no es comun, pocas personas tienen estos poderes, hay distintos tipos de wizards cada uno con sus diferencias. El aun no entiende bien como funciona pero despues conoce a un mentor que le enseña
Cuando murio su padre en manos de los "rulers" el decide que tuvo suficiente, conoce a alguien que lo introduce a la organizacion secreta y empieza a trabajar con ellos. A su madre le asusta esta desicion de su hijo pero lo entiende.
Es muy curioso, siempre le gusta saber el porque de las cosas y aprender de todo, eso hace que sepa muchas cosas y sepa resolver problemas, lee mucho
Lo correcto
Anti sistema
Romper reglas
solucion a problemas
Outside of the box
Metal heads
Indios/Tribal People