What might be included? Format / Elements

Face To Face


Day 1 Induction (HR, H&S, IT

1:1 meetings with key people (less than before, more spaced out)

Team Inductions - scheduled not ad-hoc, every 2 months, presentation & discussion (better use of time, less intensive for both)

(Group*) Induction Day - Come together with other new starters, hear from key speakers, discuss key areas - why we exist, who we support, research, leadership attributes, walk through dementia (interactive, quarterly)

Benefits Briefing Sessions (pension, etc, quarterly)

Compliance eLearning - GDPR, H&S, IT Secruity

About Dementia Videos - Dementia uncovered, About Dementia animation video, the value of treatments

Recommended eLearning content - equality, diversity, inclusion, health & well being

Signposting to Key Information - impact hub, just 1% campaign, No time to lose report, Share the Orange

Employee videos, volunteer videos, trustee information

Tools Instructional Videos, eLearning - Office 365, One Drive, Teams

How to Screen Videos - Raisers Edge

Opportunities to Make Connections

Market Place - teams showcasing work, quarterly

Snack & Chat

Monthly mingle

Fist Day Team Lunch

CEO Open Door Sessions


Dementia 101 - 45 minutes sessions covering different areas of dementia

Meet Susan - Gifts in Wills Briefing

Leadership Attributes Workshop - Exploring what they mean in practice

Buddy System - process & guidance

Welcome Pack

**Welcome - mug, pen, book

Induction Journey guidance

Key Documents - reflection log

Employee HR documents