Connection between "Existentialism is a Humanism" and "Utilitarianism":
When it comes to the idea of intersubjectivity, these two works prove to be connected. Sartre's work places a clear emphasis on the necessity for intersubjectivity, especially when it comes to existentialism, as it places an importance on the lives of other people when it comes to carrying out our own actions. Other people are very important, as they help shape our perception of ourselves and our own existence. It is important, therefore, to maintain responsibility over our actions and treat others in a humane way. Utilitarianism, in a way, subordinates intersubjectivity in favor of simply choosing what will produce the greatest amount of utility/happiness, or pleasure over pain; this does not necessarily take into consideration a greater amount of people, or focus much on the human natures of individual. Rather, it simply focuses on the goal of achieving maximum utility,