"Discourse on Method and Meditations on First Philosophy"
"I do not grasp what this wax is through the imagination; rather it through my mind alone (...). But what is this piece of wax which is perceived only by the mind? Surely it is the same piece of wax that I see, touch, and imagine, in short it is the same of wax I took it to be from the very beginning. But I did not realize that the perception of the wax is neither a seeing, nor a touching, nor a imagining. Nor has it ever been, even though it previously seemed so; rather it is an inspection on the part of the mind alone. This inspection can be imperfect and confused, as it was before, on clear and distinct, as it is now, depending on how closely I pay attention to the things in which the piece of wax consists" (68).
-Wax Metaphor
-First Person: I
-Confessional Tone
-Self-centered epistemology
What is accomplished with form?
A reflective by subjective approach to the Cogito.