3. Software and operating systems**. There are various types of software:** 1 :star:. Operating system. It manages the system resources, making them available for use by the user and the applications. 2. :star: Applications. There are various types : 1. Word processors: Word, Writer. 2. Spreadsheets: Excel, Calc. 3. Presentations : PowerPoint, Impress. 4. Database management tools: Acces, Base. 5.Drawing programs: Paint, Paint Shop Pro, Draw . 6. Antivirus software, file compressors, web browsers and webmail software , games and so on. 3 :star: Programming languages :<3: These programs can be used to create other programs and applications. They can even be used to develop new operating systems.
3.1. The operating system : The operating system is the first thing that appears when you turn on your computer and the last thing you see when you are turning it off. Different computers can have different types of software, but they all need an operating system. The most used operating systems are Windows, Linux, and Mac OS.
3.2. Functions of the operating system : 1. Manages the microprocessor, 2. Manages the memory and storage systems. 3. Provides an interface or working environment. 4. Allows communication between applications and peripheral devices.