Craig Womack makes this point forcefully in his work on Native American literature. “Tribal literatures,” he writes, “are not some branch waiting to be grafted onto the main trunk. Tribal literatures are the tree, the oldest literatures in the Americas, the most American of American literatures. We are the canon. Without Native American literature, there is no American canon. . . . Let Americanists struggle for their place in the canon” (1999, 6–7). "Indian" by Robert Warrior
"Sovereignty is an exclusionary concept rooted in an adversarial and coercive Western notion of power." "Sovereignty" from Native Studies Keywords
Excluding the very people whose land this truly belongs to proves the government is purposefully trying to keep them invisible. History shows the continued and consistent dehumanization of the Indigenous people. In both the past and present, Indigenous people have had to fight for their right to exist. They've had to endure tremendous wrongs done to them. Hopefully, that is not their future.
"I have a history of painting about history," he said recently. "And I saw this as history in the making."--Jim Denomie

Dylan Miner
Aniibiishaaboo Miinawaa Makade-mshkikiwaaboo
"it is eel-like/the reach of corporations/who worm their way thru/loophole after loophole/to take imminent domain/over the landscape.for the sake of some coal/or even black gold..."
Joel Waters: "Death of Hydra" SWSS
It is a severe injustice to our Indigenous brothers and sisters for us as a society to forget their history, culture and very lives. We must do better! We must do our part to let them know that they are not alone and we stand for what is right.

“Stand Up To The Madness !!!”
"This isn't just an Indigenous issue; water is life for all of us and we have a responsibility to the Earth and future generations to protect it."
"The history of genocide and stolen land and stolen labor in America will forever link Black folks and Indigenous folks (and let us be clear that the two are not mutually exclusive) as there can be no black liberation without Indigenous sovereignty/"-Miski Noor (BLM)
Kevin Bruynell SWSS
"Many Americans are also accustomed, whether consciously or unconsciously, to tuning out the environmental justice battles roiling communities of color and the underprivileged."
“All along the production line—from extraction, transportation, to production and export—you have marginalized communities.”
Nick Martin: "The Next Standing Rock Is Everywhere"

"Fist Up" Jaida Grey Eagle