6 underground
- CIA spook
Empty bullets bad guy wanted
Guy in red bull plane/ Billionaire
Red bull stunt man
Became a ghost
Had a team
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In a gang
Young team in fast cars
In Italy / Europe
Good drivers
Killed a mafia guy
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Getting chased by mafia
- Billionaire
- The Doctor
- The sky walker
- The Hitman
Eurpean blonde hair blue eye mafia guy
Car Driver
Like family to each other
Sniper loses his team making a bad call
- Afghan Military guy
Recruits ppl to take down bad ppl
Fake 7's death to join new team
Reform team new job
TARGET : Turgistan Dictator
TARGET Turgistan Dictator
Billionaire does magnets
General 1 - Handler
General 2
General 3
General 4
- Goes to Trugistan to work underground with foundation
Jets attack them
- Western Uzbekistan
America - 2 Skywalker & Miltary gunman
Uzbekistan guy is Tegistans brother
Lasvegas to meet generals
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Hitman takes them out
Snatch Tegastan leaders brother from Hong Kong 90th floor