[Student A] Male 7
Student A is in a first grade classroom and has been showing a LACK OF PARTICIPATION. The student has shown that he has no interest in volunteering or participating in classroom activities. When ever called on to participate in situation such as games, presenting, giving opinions, or helping around the classroom, the student becomes noticeably irritated and frustrated. During play times he plays on his own with out reaching out to others. And finally during class time he is shy to share his work with others, or with the teacher in fear of being wrong, often flipping worksheets over to hide what he has written.
Tier 1 Interventions
Talk with student one on one
The goal of this talk should be to approach the student calmly and respectfully in a situation where there is no audience. The tone of the talk should be serious, but not be lecturing. The teacher should be looking to learn how the student is feeling and thinking.
Tips and recommendations
- Validate student's feelings
- Talk about alternatives
- Remain cool, calm and collected.
-Be empathetic.
Assign a Buddy / Partner
Finding a different student in the class to partner up with across multiple activities in the day can help our Student A build some rapport with other. By partnering up we can help create a situation with a positive role model that can help increase engagement for Student A. Our buddy student should be there to help support and bolster Student A on their work in the classroom
Important to remember
- Talk with both students as to the reason for the buddy
- Choose a positive role model
- Feel free to use more than one buddy