The four students who did not respond adequately to the Tier 1 high-quality instruction provided by Mr. Brewster are Laney, Paloma, Adam, and LaToya. Therefore, they will begin receiving 30 minutes of targeted reading intervention (Tier 2), provided by Ms. Washington, the reading specialist at Rosa Parks, in addition to the 90 minutes of reading instruction (Tier 1) with Mr. Brewster. Ms. Washington will provide intervention to groups of three to five students (with no group larger than five). Consequently, Mr. Brewster and the other second-grade teachers have arranged their schedules so that they will send their students to Ms. Washington’s room at different times throughout the day. Mr. Brewster’s students have been assigned the period from 12:15 pm to 12:45 pm. Though Mr. Brewster realizes that his students will miss some of his instruction in order to receive Tier 2 intervention, he does not want these students to miss entire instructional periods and, thus, has arranged his schedule to minimize the amount of instruction that they will miss in science and social studies.