Case Study 1: Alphonse – Acting Out/Emotional Regulation

Background: Alphonse has been frequently disruptive in class which is causing him to be academically low achieving. He is quick to anger and has been giving punitive consequences thus far, which appear to be making the situation worse. His outbursts are causing a negative classroom environment for other students.

RTI Intervention Model

Tier 1 Interventions
The Teacher reports the behavioral issues to the Grade Level Lead, as these issues have become out of their control. The GLL conduction a triangulation of information from all of the student's teachers to establish and document a pattern of behavior. A Student Solutions Meeting is schedules with all teachers to brainstorm possible classroom intervention to assist the students. Three specific interventions are solidified. (See Examples of Possible Interventions to the Right) A follow-up meeting is scheduled for 4 weeks in the future, to discuss if improvements are seen overall.

Breaks and moving position in class when student becomes frustrated

Praise when good attitude and involvement occur

Seat the student next to a positive influence as a partner

Build rapport by checking in daily upon arrival to the class

Offer flexible times for one on one academic support

Review expectation and rules in a non-threatening environment

Integrate relaxation and/or coping techniques into classroom procedures

Tier 2 Interventions If proposed Tier 1 solutions are not sufficiently successful, then then GLL should schedule a parent meeting with the school counselor present. This should reveal more information regarding possible difficulties at home, and help build a rapport with parents. A series of solution can be worked out with parents and the concerned student that are delivered by the school counselor on a regular basis.

Weekly counseling sessions

Daily counselor check-in

Modified daily school schedule

Consistent parent communication

Teach and conflict resolution coping skills

Reflection journal

Tier 3 Interventions
If not successful up until this point, the student may be referred to the administration for a behavioral contract. Affective support would continue, but the student may be required to sign a very clear contract that states behavioral rules and expectations. The student and parents may also be required to seek outside help, with the guidance of the school.

Functional Behavioral Assessment

School collaboration with mental health provider

Regular parent meetings at the school

Develop a thorough Behavior Intervention Plan

Recommend social/extracurricular activities

Check in/ Check out