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Genesis of Italian republic(speak about events after second world war)…
Genesis of Italian republic(speak about events after second world war)
second war was in 1939 , germany invaded poland and nazi germany wanted to conquer the other nations to build a true empire , italy didn't want to join in the begging so they remain neutral untill june 1940 . in 1943 was crucial year for italy , the consent to the regime had decreased dramatically due to clamorous military defeats and the war economy in this year many italian cities were bombed by the angolo american air force , the factory workers went on strike for the first time in many years(as it was suppressed by the fascist regime in the 20's) therefore the leaders of the regime decided to end massolini power (massolini was sacked by the king and then jailed in the prison) .anglo-american army was trying to conquer italy moving from south to north . after fall of massolini the king didn't want to carry on the alliace with nazi germany and finally in septeber 1943 italy informed the population that
had been signed therefore italy stopped to support germany also italy signed the armistice without consulting germany therefore it was a great turning point
after the armistice , the italian army collapsed when they heared soldiers heared about armistice they became really confused . italy was changing sides and there was a remarkable void of power left by the fall of the regime .Germans killed traitors(who refused to remain on the german side the were brutally killed or jailed . Germans succeeed in freeing mussolini from the jail , they took him toth northen italy which become a stronghold for fascists and nazis while the south was ruled by the king and the angolo-americans
mussolinie founede the so called republic of salo in northen central italy , it was fascist state controlled by the germans therefore , italy was splitted into two parts and it was the beginning of the
civil war
. this period also known as the resistance period .there were actully three wars war because of the anoglo-americans tried to defeat the germans
2.civil wars because italians were fighting italians as mussloinin created army in the RSI that joined the germany against the allies . occupation wat because foreifn armies had invaded italy and were moving throughout the country
if you were a soldier at this period you have four options
abandom the army and try to go home
resist to the nazis in cefalonia
be loyal to the king and fight german and fascist
join the partisans(who tried to fight the Nazi-Fascists within the R.S.I. . they lived outlaws far from the cities) in the mountain
join the fascist army in the north
the resistance
allies moved from sicily to conquer the southern italy . the day after thr armistice the king escaped from rome with the royal family and the goverment . they went to pescara and from there they sailed to pescara and from there they sailed to bari , the ingolorious escpae ws sign of political weakness of the ruling class .mussolini was freed by the germans and the RSI was established RSI was a puppert state controlled by the germans .the allies controlled southern italy where the so called kingdom of the southern was established it was ruled by victor emmanuel 111and marshal badoglio . the kingdom of italy and the allies were in south and in north were RSI and bands of partisans . the advance of allies were blocked by geramans over
Gusatv line
, rome .
in this comlpex situation the first group of partisans were gathered in central northen italy
over the time some antifascists tried to organize the partisans from political point of view immediately after the armistice , a special committee was created in Rome it aimed to control the resistance it is name was Cln(national liberation committee) and it gathered sixantifascist parties we will mention four of them
action party
was a mix between socialism and liberasim
christian democracy
was formed in 42-43 by some former members of the popular party(catholic party)
communist party
the only was survived from fascist era
liberal party
included several politicians belonging to the former political cities
it was very hard to CLN to organize partisans it wasvery hard to survive in winter and they were also persecuted by nazi fascists therefire they avoided the cities and towns also allies disagreed the partisans becuase they weren't a regular military force therefore the situation was very chaotic and unstable
in 1944 the power of the cln increased because politicians tried to overcome their differences in order to pursue their common aim : the fight against the Nazi-Fascist . the relationship between the Cln and the kingdom of the Cln become part of a new government . thanks to the power of the allies air force and armoured vehicles the gustav line was eventually broken . Rome was seized in june 1944 . in summer the Nazi-fascists retreated northward and reorganized the defense over the so called Gothic line . in summer was a good period for the partisans , who increased significantly in number , many new people joined the bands . in 1945 northen italy was a great insurrection .partisans in the cities joined factory workers who went on strike and who rebelled against the nazi-fascists .The second world war was about to end in many cities like Milan ,Turin and venice .mussolini tried to escape but he was captured and executed by the partisans
the rise of the italian republic
in 1946 in the 2ndjune a referendum was held it was about the form of the government italians had to choose between monarchy and the republic . the referendum was held with the unversal suffrage for the first time women could vote , republic won . also at the same day italians voted to elect the members of the so-called constituent assemply to write the new republican constitution . in 1948 the italian constitution became effective , the italianstate became parliamentary republic
one of the drawbacks of the constitution there was no alternation means different political parties in the government over time . in Italy the same party , the Christian Democracy(DC), was in power for more than forty years , that sounds a little paradoxical even though the constitution was set to avoid any concentration of power .
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the italian economic miracle : rapid industralization and socal upheaval
italy belonged to the so called
the late countries
, the nations which delayed their industrialization . first industrialization occurred in northern italy at the 20th but the great industrialization was between 50s and 60s . historian called it
economic miracle
economic boom
and causes are
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