Role of Sympathetic division mobilize body durning activity, referred to as "fight-or-flight' system, exercise, excitement, emergency , embarrassment activities sympathetic system; increase heart rate, dry mouth, cold, sweaty stein, dilated pupils; durning vigorous physical activity; shunt blood to skeletal muscle and heart, dilates bronchiole, cause liver to release glucose
Parasympathetic division -aka craniosacral division because fiber originate from brain stem and sacral region or cord, long preganglionic fiber extended from CNS almost to target organ, synapse with postganglionic fiber interminal ganglia that are close to or within target organ, short postganglionic fiber synapse with effort
Sympathetic division is more complex and innervates more organ than parasympathetic, some structure are innervated only by sympathetic sweat gland, arrecter, pili muscle of heir follicle smooth muscle all blood vessel; also called thoracolumbar division, preganglionic nerve are in spinal cord segment, form lateral horns of spinal cord