Assess dietary intake and nutritional status through diet history and diary, daily weight measurements, and laboratory data.
Determine interest in eating, the ability to chew, swallow, and taste. Discuss eating habits, including food preferences, intolerances, or aversions; assess the availability and use of support systems; determine dietary intake and perform calorie count.
Assess weigh and laboratory test (electrolytes, glucose, albumin and ammonia level, coagulation profile)
leads to
NDx 1: Imbalanced Nutrition: Less than Body Requirements related to l to anorexia, nausea, or malabsorption as evidenced by fatigue, generalized weakness, imbalances in nutritional studies
leads to
Outcomes: Before discharge, the patient will report increased appetite, take medications for gastrointestinal disorders as prescribed as well as he will to be able to identifie rationale for smaller, frequent meals, achieve adequate nutritional intake evidenced by consumption recommended number of calories, laboratory data showed results within the normal range, to state the rationale for dietary modifications and demonstrate a selection of foods or meals that will maintain a stable weight without fluid retention