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World Geography (Geopolitics (Country shapes (Elongated state is a long…
World Geography
Country shapes
Fragmented state is a state where is is separated by a physical or human border, an example is Japan.
Perforated state is a state where it surrounds a smaller state, an example is South Africa.
Compact state is a a state where the distance from the middle of the edges is relatively similar an example is Poland.
Exclave State is a state where a part of the territory is separated from the main land mass an example is the US.
Geographical inequality is a term that is used to describe how helpful the resources in a starting place are to help you develop it. Africa was very geographically in equal because it had lots of hard conditions including no natural harbors, no beasts of burden and a tropical climate.
Types of borders
Physical/Natural borders are determined by the land features like rivers or mountains an example of this is the border between mexico and the US.
A geometric border is a border made completely straight not based of the land is the mid west of the US.
GIS mapping also known as geographical informational systems are maps with information on them. The information can range from population to where mugging attacks occur. the scale of the map can also be very variable from the solar system to your own local county.
Mapping basics
Relative location is positioning an object based on other landmark based on another landmark or place.
Cardinal directions are north, south, east, and west.
Absolute location is an exact location. An exact location can include an address or a set of coordinates.
GPS mapping also known as global positioning system, is system consisting of multiple satellites to locate an object. Now days it is very common almost anywhere.
Distortion is a problem all mappers must face it occurs because the earth is not flat so in some way when being placed on a flat surface it is distorted.
The Mercator projection is a map projection that values the shape but not the size especially when nearing the poles.
Population Patterns
Migration Is defined as "Movement from one part of something to another." this can be on any scale factor. it could be across the world or upstairs in you house.
Step migration is moving up economically between places. An example would be if someone move from the farmland, to the suburbs, to the city.
Chain migration is when some one moves to a new place and sets up a home and other people from the original family come to live with the original mover in the new place. An example of this would be say that you just moved from California to Colorado and then more of your California family came to Colorado because of you.
Internal migration is moving around within a country. An example of this would be if you lived in California and then decided to move to Colorado.
Cyclical migration is when people move from one place to another for work and then move back to their home. A common example of this is when Mexican workers move up to the US for a farming job and once the season is over they move back.
Forced migration is when people are force to move from a place because of war/or political conditions and more conditions like these.
Push and pull factors
Pull Factors are factors that make people inclined to move to a place. examples include better quality of life or safer communities.
Push factors are factors that make people inclined to leave a place such as a unfair conditions or low pay.
Population mapping
Population pyramid Is a tool demographers use to map population of different places. It looks like two bar graphs back to back. A population pyramid can display population, Gender split among the population, and age division.

Demographic transition model is a model that shows the birth rate and death rate over time and development.
In Stage 2 of the DTM the country's death rate falls but the birth rate is still very high.EX: Brazil
Stage 1 of the DTM is a country that is not developed very much at all the birth rate is very high and the death rate is also very high. EX: Afghanistan
by Stage 4 the country is pretty developed and the birth rate and death rate are relatively low.EX:Canada
Equations about the population. There are some equations that can determine certain aspects of the population such as the CBR and the CDR and TFR and ect...
Infant mortality rate is the amount of children out of 1000 that die before making it to there first birthday.
Dependency ratio is a ratio that determines what the working age population to the non working age population. The equation for this is % non workers divided by the % workers.
Human effect / ecology
Climate change is a crises that is among us. It is when carbon dioxide gets trapped in the atmosphere and keeps heat from the sun so it can escape the atmosphere.
Human influence on climate change. Humans are affecting climate change because they are releasing CO2 through emissions of cars factories and many more.
Geo basics
Five themes of Geography. When geographers are working a routine they often do is to look for these aspects o the place they are examining.
Region is how the place is divided into regions. A region is a large area of which is characterized by a what rakes up its land. for example if there was a giant beet farm that would be the region a beet region.
Movement is the movement of products, religion, ideas, people, and interactions on this area are.
Place is what it is like when you get there, what are the human characteristics.
Human interaction is how the humans have shaped this area. this could mean how they have shaped it physically or culturally
Loction is where a place is. The question to determine location is, where is it?