wo closely related species of geese, one, the greylag goose, lives in the Indian plains all year round, while the other, the bar-headed goose, lives at the Tibetan lakes and migrates across the Himalayas to winter in India. Another species, the Andean goose, lives in the High Andes all year round. Possession of a Hb with high oxygen affinity helps to adapt bar-headed and Andean geese to high altitudes. The Hb amino acid sequences of the bar-headed and the greylag geese differ by four substitutions, of which only one is unique among bird sequences: Pro-119 alpha (H2)----Ala. Perutz proposed that the two-carbon gap left by this substitution at the alpha 1 beta 1 contact raises the oxygen affinity, because it relaxes the tension in the deoxy or T structure [Perutz, M. F. (1983) Mol. Biol. Evol. 1, 1-28].