Diagnoses: Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Prevalence: 3-6 in every 100,000 people or approximately 20,000 Americans (frequently misdiagnosed as Parkinson's Disease Symptoms: begin at average age of 60 years old (LOB during gait, blurring vision, uncontrollable eye movement, slow eye movement, alteration of mood and behavior, changes in executive function, slowed, monotone, and slurred speech, slowed movements, and expressionless face. Prognosis: Gets progressively worse, and people become disabled within 3-5 years (susceptible to pneumonia, choking, head injury and fractures) (NINDS, 2019)
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Law, M., Baptiste, S., McColl, M., Opzoomer, A., Polatajko, H., & Pollock, N. (1990). The Canadian Occupational Performance Measure: An Outcome Measure for Occupational Therapy. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 57(2), 82–87. https://doi.org/10.1177/000841749005700207
Occupational Deficits
Client Factors
Body Functions
Sensory Functions
Visual Functions
Blurring vision, uncontrollable eye movements, trouble gazing vertically, uncontrollable eyelids, involuntary closing of eyes, prolonged or infrequent blinking, difficulty opening eyes
This model would be ideal because it focuses on occupations that influence the individuals life roles, it is client centered and focuses on the areas of physiological, psychological, cognitive, neurobehavioral, and spiritual factors with the person. It also addresses the environment and focuses on physical and natural context, cultural and societal norms, social interactions, and economic systems.
Evaluation tools
The COPM will assesses the clients perception of their performance in daily occupations that they find are most important in their life. This will be a good evaluation tool because the therapist will have a clear picture of what the client rates their own performance in daily occupations.
Intervention approaches
Sit to stands will work on restoring strength, coordination, and balance in the gait pattern.
vision board-creating this will help with task and daily occupations with directions to give cues and help with sequencing
LTG: In 8 weeks, client will perform eating with Mod Assist and verbal cues.