Conduct sessions:
In preparation to conduct the group counseling sessions, school counselors should have several documents generated. These include a document that highlights participant rules-this document will be distributed to participants at the opening of the first session. The information on the document can be presented in chart format allowing students the opportunity to acknowledge the rules and explain in writing what each rule looks like or means to them. Students will also be given the opportunity to add rules to the document that they agree upon as a group. School counselors should generate student passes that will be provided to each student excusing them from prior engagements while the counseling sessions are in progress, a unit template which will go hand in hand with the action plan as it lists materials needed, performance goals, outcome assessment, and follow up activities for each session, and lastly, counselors will need a teacher/parent follow up form that will be provided to teachers and parents after each session in efforts to keep them abreast to the students’ progress. The following information will be provided in the document: group topic, session goal, what was discussed, date of next meeting, group assignment, and additional comments if applicable.