Off-Task Non-Disruptive: Clarissa is a first grader. A seemingly well-behaved girl, Clarissa tends to fiddle with her colored pencils, play with little scraps of paper, and chat amiably with her neighbors. She seldom pays any mind at all to the assigned task. Her language level is slightly lower than the rest of the class. She is neat, pleasant, smart, and tuned out.
Tier 2 Interventions
Peer Tutoring
Because Clarissa struggles a bit with language a mentor would be great to assist with misunderstandings she may otherwise let pass her by.
Sitting a stronger student next to Clarrisa may be just what she needs to stay on task and apply herself to her work. This nonintermedating intervention would constantly refocus and redirect her attention to her work and the class.
Tier 1 Interventions
Break Down Directions
A simple and effective way to ensure that Clarissa clearly and completely understands a task is to very carefully think through the direction giving process.
There should be "small, frequent, and attainable goals."
Most importantly, the instructor could ask Clarissa to repeat back instructions in order to make sure they were fully understood.