Natural Resources: One natural resource that can be found in the rain forest is indeed the different species of plants. These plants are ingredients for 25% of drugs that help to treat things like cancer, heart disease, bronchitis, diabetes, and others. One very simple resource is also the oxygen that these trees give off which allows life for everything. Another important resource that these rain forests have is lumber for building but taking lumber from these forests is actually bad because it causes deforestation which effects the entire ecosystem and also releases carbon dioxide into the air. Some things that these rain forests have that might be useful for trading is the abundance of water because many places are dry and lacking water in Africa. Also, the fruits and special plants because the plants can be used to make medicines to heal and the fruits could also have certain nutritional values to help people stay healthy. In the Congo Basin as well, there are minerals such as tin, coltan, diamond, copper, cobalt, uranium, zinc, gold, and nickel.