Conclusion: After completing this 3-tiered PBIS mindmap, I have found that many of the same strategies can be used with both of my chosen challenging behaviors. The off-task disruptive student is a case I have had in my classroom more than once before, and these strategies and data forms will prove to be very useful for my future classes. The tantrums/out of control student was also very interesting to me, as I have had one student that has fallen into this category in my time teaching. This one student was transferred from another school at 4 years old because the other school did not know how to handle him. Through my research, I have found that many of the strategies that my teaching team used were the tier 1 and 2 strategies, however having the information I have now could have greatly sped up our process of helping this student. I am very grateful to have completed this activity, as I now feel that I have the tools necessary to help other students with behavioral challenges in the future.