Edmund Rice

Who was Influenced when he was alive

Influenced Edmund Rice's Life and Work


His Life

The Christian Brothers

A group of people founded by the Edmund Rice


Daughter had a disability

Wife Died

Edmund Rice Education Australia (EREA)

Cathedral College

Christian Brothers College

Aquinas College


Our School was founded by Edmund Rice


Nano Nagle

Presentation Brothers

De La Salle


Presentation Sisters

An organisation similar to the Christian Brothers but for Women

The Other Christian Brothers

Edmund Rice was the one who founded not only the Christian Brothers but the school we’re in today. He was born in Ireland on the first of June 1762 and died 29th of August 1844 in Waterford which is what our campus is called. We also have an Edmund Rice day where we do a big walk.

His first school made was in Waterford and his legacy continues as the EREA foundation is still going. His wife died tragically after falling off a horse and his daughter had a disability and died at a young age. But he soldiered on and if it wasn’t for him the school we are in wouldn’t be here.

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