Case Study 2: Jason is a kindergarten student. His mum is the principal of the private school he attends to. He is very intolerant to frustration and throw a tantrum when he comes across a situation that doesn’t go his way. Interacting with his peers is a challenge for him. When he does, he struggles to control his anger and can cry, scream and even be aggressive with them at times when he disagrees with them. Also, when his teachers say no to him, he storms out of the classroom, usually crying and screaming, and goes to his mum’s office, who allows this behavior.
Tier 1 Interventions: Deep breathing; give choices; more structured routines; positive reinforcement; speak in a calm and neutral tone; teach coping, social, conflict and relationship skills; Teach conflict resolution.
Tier 2 Interventions: Behavior contract; Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP); Structured breaks; check in check out; counselor referral; individual and visual schedule; non-verbal cues and signals; self monitoring; social stories.
Tier 3 Interventions: Behavior meetings; daily behavior form; functional behavior assessment; reward system; structured time out.
Tracking Tools: Daily check in check out behavior tracking form; behavior plan; keep notes of the meeting, emailing or sending them out to all participants; have a sign in sheet to note who is in attendance; reward chart; time out data log.
Tracking Tools: Weekly check in check out data; behavior tracking form; behavior self monitoring check-list.