Teachers may slip into asking questions to which children have to guess the right answer, that is, find out what the teacher wants them to say.
For example: T:OK, who can tell me what magnets do? Katy?
K: Stick to the fridge
T:Um, yes, fridge magnets – but if you have two magnets, what happens?
. And so on for many more turns until the class have come up with the required phrases, ‘Like poles repel; unlike poles attract’. Teachers’ questions require a lot of hand-waving on the part of the children and the teacher may have to manage some off-task behaviour created by boredom. This sort of interaction is the source of such phrases as: ‘Listening ears on, everyone!’, ‘Let me see, who is sitting beautifully?’, ‘I can’t ask you because you haven’t got your hand up’ or ‘Can you repeat that, Josh? I couldn’t hear because some people are just not listening’ and so on.