-Bills: clauses that have to be approved by the Queen, the Lords and the Commons. Divided into:
● The introduced by the Government: may be public (about money or ordinary matters) or private (may be local or personal).
● The introduced by ordinary members: Private members bills.
-Have a process of reading and rereading in both houses, and they are deeply discussed to check if they need any arrangements.
● The Parlamentary Comission for the Administration: investigates any injustice some person has suffered by the administration of the government, although not without the previous complaining to a MP.
-The person must convice him/her about it.
-Its power is investigatory, though, not an executive one.
Executive and local government formed by:
● The Privy Council: gives legal sanction to government policies.
● The Ministry:
-Chosen by the PM. 20 are the Nucleus or Cabinet.
-Take an oath of secrecy regarding the Queen.
-Make all the important decisions.
-Similarly to Spain, they can be ministers of trade, environment, defence…..There are secretaries for Wales, Scotland, the Commonwealth, etc.
-Most ministers must be Lords.
● The Departments of State: They implement the policy of the government.The most important one is the Treasury.
● The Local Government:
-England and Wales are divided into 53 county councils.
-Counties or District councils work part-time and are unpaid.
-Borough councils: Smaller scale services.
-Have a mayor, the Lord Mayor.
-Majority found in the town halls, among them, the Town Clerk, the Medical Officer of Health, or the Chief Education Officer.