Pre-Assessment for Differentiation in Math for 3rd Grade
Lesson: Multi-Step Word Problem

Students will take a pre-assessment before the start of the new unit on Multi-Step Word Problem. Co-teacher and I will grade the assessments and form groups based on the outcomes.

5 Scholars who answered most, including difficult questions on pre-assessment.

They will be solving multi-step problems posed with whole numbers and having whole number answers using the four operations, including problems in which remainders must be interpreted.

Assessment for tracking: Given weekly quiz on more advance Multi-Step Problem, once they are mastering previous skill.

Math Rotation Centers:

The 12 students who have some knowledge about the topic as shown in their scores, but need to develop higher order thinking skills.

At one center there will be multiplication flashcard games which allows students to work with a partner.

Another center will have addition and subtraction problems with one and two digit numbers.

At another station will work on multi-step problem with a teacher supervising and solving misconceptions

Individual tablets so that scholars can play Math games and apply all the acquired skills

Assessment for Tracking: Daily Math review, Problem of the Day quizzes and homework check.

The 5 students who appear to have limited knowledge about the topic of which 3 is struggling with language and are at different reading levels and 2 students who have little or no comprehension about the topic and need to be tested for special needs.

Response to Intervention for Math.

Draw or sketch the problem.

Read the problem aloud

Paraphrase the question or say it in your own words

Creating a plan on how to solve the problem or the best way to solve

Students estimate or predict what the answer.

Computing the answer.

Check the answer.

Students that falls into this band, will also go to Math Stations on a daily basis, to help them to build more of an understanding. For instance, worship stations, computer station, small group instructions, and multiplication facts check with partners.

They will be taught required vocabulary terms alongside of an image and definition so they can make the connection.