ENG 231: New Media & Digital Culture

Technological Usage Awareness

The Smartphone Paradox

Technological Theory

Evolution of Technology

Marvel App Project

The Medium is the Message

Her Film Analysis

Watch Her by Spike Jonze and analyze how the current technological climate is related to/approaching the portrayed state of technology

Consider an issue that can be resolved and perfected by a new app

Use Marvel.com to create a prototype of this app to better understand the evolution of technology and the app making process

Piece written by Marshall McLuhan detailing how technology is shaping society, always has, and will continue to.

Technological Determinism

Marshall McLuhan

Idea that technological advancement drives society, as opposed to the other way around, which prior to technological determinism was the most widely believed idea.

Technological Determinist from the 1900s who wrote multiple pieces outlining his opinion of technological evolution and determinism in general, most notably his essay "The Media is the Message."

(Course Textbook)

Informative novel outlining Dr. Reid's take on technology and humanity's dependency on it.

Video Responses

Every chapter, record a 5+ minute video blog summarizing the week's chapter and providing a personal opinion and perspective regarding your reaction to the reading and how it has effected your thinking.

Written by course professor, Dr. Alan J Reid

Data tracking

Technological Mindfulness Project

Download app tracking daily-quarterly data usage keep track of recorded data to try and modify your usage throughout the semester.

Data collection

Blog entries

Record periodic blog entries on medium.com based on the prompt provided.

Use data from app to provide a credible argument for your smartphone usage.

Read and Respond

Weekly assignment designed to test knowledge and pull new ideas from students. Readings can be related to technological determinism, evolution, usage, dependency, and anything else relevant to the course.