84.51 Enhanced Accessibility

Open Office

Entry and 9th Floor Lobby

Meeting Room/Huddle

Break Areas and Print Center


Fitness Center

MOVEMENT: Circulation

Grab and Go, Servery

Re-arrange products on open shelves to allow people of different heights to access full range

Keep aisles clear

Medical accommodations are available.

one-stop shop for washing the hands

Light levels are low in the restroom

Shower size, operation of the soap

size of the ADA stall and how its used for changing

Expand cup and glass storage to allow a person in a wheelchair to access

Update sinks to have clear knee space under countertop

Lockers are underused and counter space is being used to store bags vs. lockers

no bars at lockers to allow user to pull up from a seated position

No Shower seat at shower

No "Nurse Call Button"

Parking Garage

Walking path narrows

Clear and Concise Wayfinding: contrast and size of signage

ADA Door Operator/Operations

Push/Pull at the door

Door-swing direction

Reserved Accessible Parking for HC is graphically challenging

Identify glass at the entry swing doors and the revolving door

No vestibule at the swing doors

Security staff trained to recognize special needs

power is available at the Floor

✅ Provide opportunity to store luggage (available on 9th floor)

Clear visual difference between the flooring at rooms and corridors to signal circulation

Elevators Call box accesibility in a wheelchair

Choice of collaboration table options (height, location, setting)

Ample room to navigate the spaces

Noise echoing and sound within the spaces

Privacy Rooms, lighting and color

Wheel chair accessibility of the privacy Booths

Navigation at ordering

Improve clarity of menus/signage

Provide adequate floor area at countertop mounted appliances for wheelchair use

Provide means to dry hands at sink area

wall mounted hand dryer is too low for most users

manual door operation - opportunity to upgrade to push-button opener

✅ shelf at door allows for people to set down personal items:

Hands-free soap and dryer, but faucet is manual

Add hooks and shelves in stalls

All-gender, single user restrooms with enhanced accessibility

Provide side-lighting at mirror in addition to overhead downlights

✅ Fully-enclosed restroom stalls for privacy

Update Color-Rendering Index CRI of lighting

Provide shelf at urinals

changing table capability

Finishes: clear and legible design - contrast between floor and walls, doors, and front/back

Companion seating/space

Sink and mirror in Accessible stall or room

Clear aisles without clutter and other obstructions

✅ Consistent layout of building components - even distribution of enclosed collaboration and open office

✅ Consistent, clear wayfinding

wider speedgates to allow wheelchair, cart, and roller bag passage

Clear directions to elevator core

Clear building signage at eye-level

Provide opportunities for users to utilize text-recognition
software on smart phone if needed

Manage location of vending and other added items that conceal and cover wayfinding

Systems Furniture - provide access to power at countertop

Maintain minimum desk-to-desk aisle dimensions

Provide clear floor and knee space at check out counter and self pay

Review reach limits at shelving and self-serve counters

Review take-away accomodation

Provide pre-ordering and pickup or delivery

Access to power and data

Doors - swing direction, hardware, weight, and intelligibilty

Opportunities to de-stimulate

Reduce clutter (trash recycling) at wall mounted elements

floor coverings, cords, and markerboards can restrict aisles

Acoustics in open office - buffer zones and general awareness in open offices

✅ Clear delineation of glass wall areas (have film)

Clear delineation between ADA parking and 84.51 reserved spots

✅ Full-length mirror in restroom/locker room

Clear floor space next to equipment

access to self-check in

Alternate training options and programs

✅ Sociopetal seating options available

Small increase in clear floor turning radius provided at doors and inside rooms

Circulation systems that provide node-to-node navigational clues. Provide visual clues and markers.

Lighting - review controls, brightness and CRI

Priority Parking for special needs and conditions

Slip resistance and visual clues at stair treads and landings

Socialpetal Seating arrangements that also allow for wheelchair

Pathways through furniture arrangement that allow for a choice of direction