Monday to Wednesday:
Monday, Jesus cleansed the temple, flips tables
Tuesday, he teaches in the temple and is asked questions by the pharisees, the Sadducee's and followers of the king, all designed to catch him out
Wednesday, Judas starts planning his betrayal and he is payed 30 silvers (a lot)
(Maundy) Thursday, the last supper and the betrayal of Jesus, he washes all of the disciples feet to show humility
(Good) Friday, Jesus is sent to Pontius Pilate who doesn't find him guilty, then hes sent to King Herod and then back to Pilate
Easter Sunday- 3 days after the crucifixion, this marks the day of his resurrection, Mary Magdalene say that the stone was moved from his tomb, that same day she say Jesus and he was seen for 40 days afterwards (lent length) this resurrection could be seen as god accepting Jesus' sacrifice for the redemption of sin