Comparison : David and Hanna are two real students of mine and they have different behavioral issues that they are dealing with. David is overly aggressive and bossy, while Hanna is overly chatty. They both share a common trait in that they are too loud, talkative, and disruptive in class. Because of this, some of the same interventions can be applied to both cases, like one on one talks and behavior charts.
However, David's aggressiveness is a more serious issue in general, and I think that warrants a scale adjustment within the tiers. For example, I would only call Hanna's parents as a last resort for talking too much in class. On the contrary, I wouldn't wait as long to call David's parents for bullying people as it is a more serious issue. In my experience I have noticed that the one on one talks work very well, as students tend to open up a bit more when they are outside of the view of other students. I think that David would actually benefit a lot from the daily behavior forms because he is a great student academically and he's highly motivated. I think he would treat it like an assignment and take it very seriously. With Hanna, I need to focus on more basic tier 1 interventions as her behavior usually stems from a good place. She can be really distracting, but she has good intentions.