Media coverage and handling the media

Issues related to media

Media and Criss

Tips in handling the media


Print Media

Broadcasts Media




Editor - Final gatekeeper

Reporter and Photographer

Function - Implement gate keeping

Media goals


give knowledge




Raises voice against social evils

Educate society


Fourth Estate

Provide check and balance of democracy

News Value





Prefer local news

Sinar Harian


Who decides news values

Individual set of values and beliefs

The organisation structure


Agenda Setting

Priming and Framing the issues

Brand Trust

RTM is the most trusted in Malaysia

Malaysiakini is the online media trusted by Malaysian

How about financing to sustain

Information Dissemination

Internet usage in Malaysia how alarming we are that most users spend time in the internet should be well informed

But we still considered malas membaca

Cyber crimes internet Fraud

User use fake account to disseminate fake news

What is the alternative since Fake News act repeal

Wasap cant be controlled

73% concerned fake news

63% cant distinguish fake and true news - just fwd fake news

Lesson through experiences

Scamming problem - What initiative by the government


Awareness though education

my viral wow apps

Klick dengan bijak

Portal sebenarnya

Question : are these initiatives are well taken care by RTM by promoting in the media


Convey news and information crisis in great details

Be the first to be in site

Can minimise the intensity of conflict and can also spark additional conflict and new cycles of violence

What is crisis

time of serious damage

The outcome depends on what agencies do and say in the first few hour

We need to take action ASAP to inform the public

Crisis Management

  1. Setup communications - activate all communications systems
  1. Establish crisis centre - assemble key personnel. organise staffing rosters
  1. Press and Media pacts - assemble background information
  1. Press conference - prepare a separate room if possible

5.Monitor the media - remember that deadlines vary between newspaper

  1. Community relations - a vital factor in the credibility battle
  1. Expert advice - have expert advice available to deflect the media in the early stage
  1. prepare answers during press for potential damaging questions

9.Never say off the records to the press

  1. Next of Kin - always confirm that the the next of kin have been informed before releasing any names to the media

Dont says no comment

Handling a tough situation - stay calm professional and factual

be ready to explain the issue carefully and patiently. dont say anything you dont know

it is public

prepare gather data before speaking to media

listen carefully to he question

get to the point - keep it simple, kill the story make is a full stop the story end there

use social media during a crisis - KPN wide coverage of the media

Interview the reporter - call back quickly ASAP so that they dont write something -ve about our organisation

Assumed that your are being recorded



Not understanding the media mindset

Not responding quickly enough

Make sure we are prepared for the interview

Avoid for Not getting the point. stay simple direct answer and kill the story

Talking in jargon