Growth and Division of the Cell
The life cycle of individual organisms includes stages of initiation, growth and death
cells also have a life cycle called the cel, cycle.
Most cells stop dividing an enter an extended period of growth.
Growth Phase of the Cell Cycle
Some cells live for many years.
Some cells never stop dividing.
Resting phase
the cell is active during interphase.
divisions cells were resting so the growth phase
three distinct phase
first stage after division
the synthesis of nucleotides used for the next round of DNA replication.
It is also known as gap 1.
It is the longest part of the cell cycle.
Genes in the nucleus are replicated.
A gene is a polymer of nucleotides, and each gene has a unique sequence of nucleotides.
It is also known as synthesis phase.
The entire complex of genes for an organism is its genome.
A special class of proteins called histones.
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the cell progresses