A 52-year-old female (a proud Gulf War veteran) presents in the doctor’s office complaining of recent challenges with completing normal tasks. Recently, however, she has found it difficult to continue to play. The pool sticks have begun to feel heavier and she doesn’t have the strength to strike the balls as hard as she used to. Her muscle weakness has impacted other areas of her life as well; she is no longer able to go grocery shopping because her legs get tired too quickly and recently, she tripped outside her house and hurt her knee. When asked about her family medical history, she states that her brother died from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) when he was 31, and while it was not confirmed, she suspects that he father died from ALS as well.
Upstream Effects
Indirect Cause
What predisposes this patient to contracting ALS?
factors that could also contribute to her development of ALS?
At 65, slightly more men than women develop ALS
Downstream Effects
Complication of ALS
Digestive System
higher risk of getting food, liquids or saliva into the lungs
Muscle System
Weakness in your leg, feet or ankles
Skeletal System
Spinal cord
Thoracic Vertebrae
affects muscles, upper chest, mid-back and abdominal muscles
Cervical Vertebrae
allows control of the head and neck, and movements (forward, backward, and to the sides)
Muscular System
Skeletal muscle tissue
Slow oxidative, Fast oxidative and Fast Glycolytic Fibers
Nervous System
Temporal lobe
vision, memory, sensory input, hearing
Parts of a neuron:
cell body
axon hillock
nissil body
Schwann cell
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