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Prevention of pregnancy with out taking birth control pills (best options…
Prevention of pregnancy with out taking birth control pills
Having kids after 40 increases chances of abnormalities
Taking estrogen and progesterone could possibly increase chances of breast cancer also increase chances of cardiovascular problems
Male Anatomy:testes-seminiferous tubules-rete testis-epididymis-vas deferens-seminal vesicle-prostate gland-bulbo urethral gland-ejaculatory duct-urethra-penis shaft-glas penis-external urethral orifice
Female Anatomy: ovary-fimbriae-Fallopian tube-uterus-cervis-vagina
best options to prevent pregnancy
condom and spermicide
stop egg and sperm from meeting and kill sperm non surgical method
cutting ductus deferentes permanently preventing gamete release surgical procedure nearly 100% success rate if after care is followed
tubal ligation
cutting or cauterizing uterine tube stop release of ovum surgical procedure more difficult than vasectomy but nearly 100% success rate at preventing pregnancy and permanent
Function of male reproduction: sperm is made in the seminiferous tubule goes through rete testis sperm leaves testes through efferent ducts into epididymis where it becomes fully matured and stores until ejaculation, vas deferens transports mature sperm during ejaculation mixes with secretions from prostate gland, seminal vesicles abd bulbo-urethral glands in the ejaculatory duct providing a milky sticky medium and nutrients also chemicals that protect and activate sperm and facilitate their movement through the urethra down the shaft of the penis and out to external urethral opening on the glans penis
Function of female reproduction: ovary stores primary follicle until ovulation secondary follicle is released by ovary and directed into Fallopian tube by fimbriae where if the egg meets a sperm it will be fertilized then pushed into uterus where it will implant into the endometrium lining of the uterus for 40 weeks during gestation period then during this period cervis is sealed by a mucus plug until cervis starts to dilate and open muscles in the uterus will contract and push fetus through cervis into the vagina and out of the body, if egg does not get fertilized it will be shed with the functional layer of the endometrium during the menstrual cycle
Ovarian cycle:
Follicular phase= 1.GnRH stimulates FSH and LH secretion
FSH and LH stimulates follicles to grow mature and secrete sex hormones
Negative feedback inhibits gonadotropins release
Positive feedback stimulates gonadotropins release
Ovulation = 5. LH surge triggers ovulation and formation of corpus luteum
Luteal phase= 6. Negative feedback inhibits LH and FSH release
Uterine cycle:
Days 0-4 Menstrual phase : functional layer of the endometrium is shed
Days 5-14 Proliferative phase: the functional layer of endometrium is rebuilt increase of estrogen
Days 15-28 Secretory phase: begins immediately after ovulation enrichment of the blood supply and glandular secretion of nutrients prepares the endometrium to receive embryo increase in estrogen and progesterone
Contraception to prevent pregnancy
combination pill stops ovulation by secreting estrogen and progesterone adverse cardiovascular effects and possibly increase breast cancer
condom prevents egg and sperm from meeting if not put on properly could not work
*IUD stops implantation of blastocyst secrets synthetic progesterone could have adverse cardio effects
worst options to prevent pregnancy
withdrawl method
removing penis from vagina before ejaculation high failure rate since pre-ejaculate contains small amounts of sperm
rhythm abstinence
avoiding intercourse during ovulation not having regular cycle or not being accurate on days you could be fertile also sperm can live in uterus for days after sex
implant placed in uterus that blocks entry of sperm into uterus and makes endometrium inhospitable for implantation still contains synthetic hormones like the birth control pill