In Cold Blood Investigation Map
Mrs. Clutter- Very emotionally unstable which began after the birth of her children. Diagnosed with Postnatal depression. She hardly leaves her bed and has been in and out of the mental hospital. In a constant mood of misery. ⭐
Kenyon: He is a 15 year old boy who was really interested in science and engineering. A very smart boy who reads a lot. He doesn't have many friends but he does have one best friend that he would go on hunting weekend trips. Kenyon likes to read and
Mr. Clutter- 48- Very wealthy farmer. Has won many awards for his agriculture. He also plays a large role in the Methodist church. Very high reputation in his town and is very kind and generous towards his people. Very against stimulants, alcohol, smoking, and even coffee.
Perry: He is one of the murderers involved. He likes to use big words and is a big dictionary buff. Perry got in a very serious motorcycle accident and severely injured both of his legs. The pain of his legs has led him to become a aspirin addict, he was in the hospital for six months. He once served in the merchant marines. He is very superstitious.
Nancy Clutter - Bonnie and Herbert's 16 year old daughter. She was very popular and the talk of the town. She often helped children in town as she was smart and involved in her community.
Susan Kidwell- Best friends with Nancy for seven years and she has a very close connection with the Clutter family. Demanding is sort of a funny way towards Nancy.
Bob Johnson - Mr. Clutter purchased life insurance from Bob right before him and his families death.
Dick: The other murderer. Was also in a bad car accident that left him unable to play his favorite sport: football. He met Perry in the Lansing jail, and they formed the plot together.
Mr. Van Vleet: Man that Mr. Clutter was speaking to about business matters : on Saturday night. Worked in Mr. Clutters office and assisted him in the management of the farm.
Jolene Katz: Came over Saturday morning to learn how to make a cherry pie from Nancy.
Eveanna: One of the elder daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Clutter did not live at home at the time. Lived in Northern Illinois but visited Holcomb frequently. Was married and had a little boy.
Roxie Lee Smith- a neighbor who Nancy helped practice her trumpet solo.
Beverly: Another elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clutter who does not live at home either. She was in Kansas City studying to be a nurse. Very much approved by her father.
Bobby Rupp: Nancy's current boyfriend who came to the house Saturday night to watch TV with the family.
Mr. Heml- worked for Mr. Clutter on the farm
Willie-Jay: Best friend of Perry. Changed his view point. Helped him become one with God.
Mrs. Ashida- was the wife of a farmer and Mr. Clutter usually drove them home after 4-H conferences. Mr. Clutter helped their family when they first moved there so they are very fond of him. When they were driving home she told him it is a possibility they might leave and have to start all over again which made him sad.
Two sons of Vic Irsik- both worked on the Clutter farm and started early morning.
Floyd Wells- Cell mate that told them about the safe in the Clutter home that was not actually there.
Mrs. Clutter was found laying down in her bed with her hands tied in front of her, like she was praying. Her wrists were also bound to her ankles and to the bottom of the bed. In her hands she was gripping onto a handkerchief.
In her bedroom. Tied at the wrists and ankles, and had her hands tied behind her back. The covers were pulled back and she was wearing a bathrobe and slippers with pajamas, looking as if she was not asleep yet. She was on her side facing the wall and the bullet had gone through the side of her head and there were blood splatters on the wall. Her mouth was taped but it had started to come off from the impact of the gunshot.
Kenyon was in the basement he was in the corner, lying on the couch. He was gagged with adhesive tap and bound hand and foot. It was intricately connected with the hands together and then a cord from the hands to the feet and then the feet were bound together as well, and finally tied to the arm of the couch. He had been shot in the face, directly, head-on. He was wearing a t-shirt and blue jeans and he was barefoot. His head was propped by a couple of pillows.
He was shot directly in front of his face and he was probably dead, or almost dead before he was shot. His throat had been cut too. His mouth was taped and the tape was wound around his head. His ankles were tied, but not his hands. There was a steampipe overhead and there was a piece of rope tied to it, obviously, Mr. Clutter had been ted to it. Mr. Clutter was sprawled out in front of the furnace on top of a matress box that looked as if it were placed there specially. There was a half-sole blood footprint on the box, the footprint had two holes in the center. ⭐
She was wearing 2 rings and dressed in a bathrobe, white nightgown and socks. She had duck tape covering her mouth.
She was shot point blank in the head, with her eyes wide open as if she was watching the killer shoot her.
Since she was still wearing her jewelry, its likely that the motive was not a robbery or money related. ⭐
Kenyon's room: there was a lot of boy stuff so they assumed it was his room. Kenyon's glasses were on a bookshelf beside the bed. The bed was empty but it looked like it had been slept in.
After the murders, Perry checked into a hotel and slept for the night.
After the murder, Dick went out for dinner with his family and went to sleep after.
When reviewing Kenyon and Mrs. Clutters bodies, they were both handled in the same artistic way which implies they were probably killed by the same person ⭐
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Nancy Ewalt - had a film- star figure and had a tiptoe way of walking. She was a friend of Nancy's and accompanied the Clutters on Sundays to church. She walked in with Susan and found Nancy dead in her bedroom. Unlike Susan, she was not in denial and screamed to her father that Nancy was dead.
Stoeklein Family - They are the Clutters neighbors and live around 100 yards away from the Clutter family.
Mrs. Helm- the house maid who does not work on Saturdays
Despite living so close and constantly waking up due to their small children, the Stoekleins did not report hearing any suspicious activity or gunshots
Mrs Katz - Wife of a farmer who lived up the highway, came to pick up her daughter Jolene after asking Nancy to help her bake pie.
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When asked what they did see, they reported seeing the family dog and a car pulling out of the drive way, they assumed it was Nancy's boyfriend Bobby.
Mrs Helm - The house maid that did not work on saturdayd
Clarence Ewalt- a middle aged sugar- beet farmer. Was not religious but drove his daughter to River Valley Farm to accompany them to church.
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Ms. Kidwell- Mother of Susan, and helped Mrs. Clutter through some of her rough points and when she found out the family had died she thought Mrs. Clutter did it.
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Larry Hendricks- an English teacher and bus driver who lived in the Teacherage.
Shirley- wife of Larry, tried to calm Ms. Kidwell down.
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Sheriff Robinson- sheriff in Holcomb who found the bodies
Wendle Meier- the under sheriff who helped Robinson find the bodies. He went in the house without Sheriff Robinson seeing him.
Mrs. Bess Hartman: owner of Hartman's cafe, which was really small. But everyone came there to talk about the murder.
Mrs. Bob Johnson: Wife of Bob Johnson who sold life insurance to Herb Clutter on Saturday.
Mother Truitt: Holcomb's mail messenger
Mrs. Clare: She used to own Holcomb Dance Pavilion, now she works at the Federal Building.