Online Safety Research Question

How to stay safe while using social media?

The internet may seem very safe with just one a quick glimpse. But we never know what are the main purpose for others to use social media. We may think that some people use social media every day for their jobs such as influence, content maker, any online business and may other purpose. But not all people have a positive purpose for using the social media.

Use strong passwords: You can try to come up with strong passwords when you are required. Make sure that the passwords are not shared with any people except the ones that you trusted.

Keep personal information: When creating an account or any thing online make sure to not give all your personal information such as date of birth, address, age and many other. If you are trying to access a website or a network that required you to give your personal information you can make up a fake personal information if needed.

Keep your password to yourself: Make sure you don't share any of your password with any one except your family member. Sharing your password to others may cause a huge problem. For example you share your password to your friend and one day you and your friend have a fight and your friend decide to take your account of the social media and use it to share hoax to others under your name.

Be careful of what you post: Make sure you think twice before posting anything in a social media platform. This can cause a huge problem with people near your with a different race,needs,religion and many other because of the post that you didn't think twice before posting it. But the worst thing the miss understood post can spread like wild fire through the whole world and things can go down from there. From a single post that people misunderstood can leads to the government and the police.

Use VPN: When you are out in the public are and you are trying to connect to the public WiFi try to use VPN. VPN is a Virtual Private Network that allows people that use it to go under incognito so others that has access to that specific WiFi wouldn't able to hack your account or your device.

What is Social Media?

Social media is a form of electronic communication that allows people to communicate with others around the word by sharing information, ideas, photo/pictures, video, personal messages and many others.

What Can You Get From Social Media?(Positive and Negative)

Positive Impact:

Negative Impact:

  • Children can feel empowered by helping and teaching older relatives hot to use the technology.
  • Social media can be used to create and leave a positive digital footprints.
  • Social media provides parents an opportunity for open communication
  • Social media can help students learn essential job skills
  • Social media can lead to more communication
  • Students can use technology to form study groups
  • Social media offers students a way to stay in touch with friends if they move
  • Students can leverage social media to promote their civic engagement
  • Students can utilize social media to spread social awareness and kindness
  • General addiction
  • Unhealthy sleeping pattern
  • Unrealistic expectation
  • Bad Influence
  • Self-esteem Issues
  • Irresponsibility
  • Negative Body Image

What Can You Get From Social Media? ( Advantages and Disadvantages)



  • You have a direct connection with your audience.
  • You can create organic content
  • you have access to paid advertising service.
  • Connectivity
  • Education
  • Easy Help
  • Business promotion
  • Raise Awareness
  • keeping up with world news
  • Improvise business reputation
  • Helps in Building Communities
  • Cyber bullying
  • Hacking
  • Addiction
  • Fraud and Scams
  • Security Issues
  • Bad Reputation
  • Cheating and Relationship Issues

Health Issues

  • Social Media causes death
  • Glamorizes Drugs and Alcohol