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Chapter 4 Notes (How are local cultures sustained? (Rural local cultures…
Chapter 4 Notes
How are local cultures sustained?
many countries used assimilation techniques to force people out of their local culture
many governments (canada an australia) have apologized
custom = practice groups of people routinely follow, must be maintained to keep local culture alive
must keep other cultures out and their own in
cultural appropriation = using another cultures customs+knowledge for your own benefit+wealth
Rural local cultures
isolation protects against assimilation, ex: anabaptists
Makah American Indians
The makah reinstated the whale hunt to reconnect with ancestors and restore local culture
popular culture onslaughts stopped them and environmentalists battled in court
little sweden
people benefited from connectedness over shared history
benefited economically from tourism
neolocalism = reinventing local culture in response to pop culture
Urban local cultures
ethnic neighborhoods = where people of similar cultures live and work
greatest challenge = migration of members of pop culture into neighborhood
Local cultures + cultural appropriation
commodification = making something that was not intended to be sold into a profit
material and nonmaterial culture can be bought and sold
authenticity = full image of culture, complex and not stereotyped
authenticity of places
many people try to capitalize on an "authentic" experience, some are real and preserved while others are completely made up
guiness + irish pub company
is making money of stereotypes of irish pubs by premaking the bars and shipping them places with authentic bartenders and decorations
all cultures have been touched and no one remains unaffected
What are local and pop cultures?
culture=group of people who share the same values
folk culture = small homogeneous pop. usually rural
pop culture = large, typically urban, fast changing
diffuses quickly mainly by transportation, marketing, and communication networks.
fashion mainly spreads through hierarchial diffusion from hearths
What defines a culture is how the people define themselves
Local culture = how people see themselves as a community, close to folk culture
Material culture = physical markings of a culture
non-material culture = beliefs/values
How can local+pop cultures be seen in cultural landscape?
cultural landscape = visible imprint of human activity
buildings, signs, fences, environment,,staues
reflect norms + beliefs + asthetics
ex: skyscrapers are everywhere and skylines are starting to look the same
ex: fast food
placenessless=loss of uniqueness
cultural landscapes have started to blend together because:
architecture has diffused
transplanted landscape features often without wholesale asthetic
individual businesses + products have diffused
global-local continuum
alll scales impact each other
glocalization= altering and accepting ideas from all scales to form culture
cultural landscapes of local cultures
ex: mormans
look of community, houses, roads, and plants
Field Note
Tata family practice Zoroastrian religion and part of Parsi ethnic group.
Resettled in western india after fleeing persia(iran)
Parsi religion make up tiny portion of population but a large share of the economy.
many attribute their success to maintaining separate culture and not mixing with the Hindu majority.
Parsi culture dictates that parsi children should be "purblood" and of their own bloodline.
Parsi have high literacy rates, especially among women. This causes low fertility rates.
The lack of intermarriages is a reason for their success but also for their dramatic decline in population rates
Because of their success they are highly engaged in the global economy and culture and are struggling to hold on to their own.
lindsborg kansas reinvented itself as little sweden usa
many assume its fake or hasnt changed since 19th century immigrants settled
hasidic jewish neighborhood nyc
traditional dress, less noisy cheering for marathons, women and men seperated
How is popular culture diffused?
diffusion time has rapidly increased due to interconnectedness + the internet
facebook was first big link for global networking
facebook is banned in some countries,, copycats sprung up in chinaa and is now innovating new ideas
distance decay was the old way of measuring diffusion of ideas
time space compression = how interconnected 2 places are explains diffusion with transportation and communication tech
hearths of pop culture
establishing a hearth
every aspect of pop culture has a hearth
typically begins with contagious diffusion the hierarchial, eventually relocationally if gains a following
dave mathews band, encouraged videotaping and sharing of their music across campus
manufacturing a hearth
some companies have such an influence on pop culture that they can determine other aspects of pop culture
teenagers are main demographic for pop culture
layers = innovators, trend setters, early adopters, mainstream, laggards
reterritorialization = taking aspect of pop culture and tailoring it to local culture
reterritorialization of hip hop
grew out of los angeles and new york
diffused abroad especially to europe where people made it their own to connect with their people
reterritorialization is major here because of the different topics people write about and what is affecting them
replacing old hearths w/ new: beating out big 3 in pop sports
big 3 = baseball, football, basketball (all benefited from tech advances)
icons of pop culture came out of them
new sports = xgames, surfing, video games, ufc, etc
new icons like tony hawk sprung up and branded themselves
marketers cater to a new youth to sell lifestyles and endorsements
stemming tide of pop culture - losing local?
pop culture itself can feel like assimliation
different pop culture powerhouses have different influences
sometimes people lose track of where something has its hearth
South korean pop culture has spread throughout south east asia despite many restriction policies
many pop culture traits are met with resistance
france tries to keep its national culture alive by supporting local artists and the french cinema