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dissertation - existing studies (Consumer Receptivity to Green Ads…
dissertation - existing studies
When does green advertising work? the moderating role of product type
impact of green appeals in ads on consumer's attitude toward the ad is moderated by product types (e.g. products with higher environmental impact will yield a more favourable attitude toward the ad than information without a green appeal)
products with lower environmental impact - info with green appeal will yield no more favourbale attitude toward the ad than information without a green appeal
impact of green appeals in ads on consumer purchase intention is moderated by product types - product with high environmental impact - info with green appeal will yield greater purchase intention than without green appeal
products with low environmental impact, info with green appeal will yield no greater purchase intention than info without green appeal
printed 4 ads for 2 fictional products - cereal and battery
2 versions of a base ad were developed for each product, one of which contained a green appeal
base ad designed to contain only product info e.g. slogan for cereal stated maximum health benefits, for battery stated maximum power followed by a list of the products key attributes and benefits
in the green version a green logo was placed next to the slogan and a tagline on the environmental performance of the brand was included right below the slogan
127 undergrads
upon arrival subjects randomly assigned to 1 of 4 conditions (ads)
cover story stated test was for an advertising firm looking to obtain views on a new ad
subjects exposed to the ad and asked their thoughts and then asked specific questions
dependent measures
attitude toward the ad
measured on 5 7-point scales
purchase intention
measured using an existing scale shown - participants asked to respond to 'if you were in the market for (advertised product), how likely is it that you would chose (advertised brand)? followed by 3 sets of bipolar objectives on 7 point scales
cognitive responses
recorded in accordance with traditional thought-listing procedures
Consumer Receptivity to Green Ads
to clarify how individual characteristics may influence consumers to be more or less receptive to ecologically themed ad claims
an experiment compares the effectiveness of strong and weak product claims with a cause-related marketing strategy to advertise a 'green' product
includes: ad credibility, attitude toward the ad, brand attitude
participants recruited from several sources in US
adult participants and student participants
420 participants
majority of the adults were the primary grocery shoppers
design and data collection
one way posttest between subjects experimental design
3 treatments groups and 1 control group
participants blocked based on their student or adult status, and were randomly assigned within each block to 1 of 4 of the test conditions
1 condition offered strong product-related claims, 1 ad offered weak product related claims, one ad made a cause related marketing claim and one ad was a control
independent variable
ad claim type
post stimulus questionnaire included ad perceptions (ad involvement, ad credibility, attitude toward the ad); brand perceptions (brand attitude and purchase intention); individual characteristics (environmental protection attitudes, environmental behaviours, etc.) and demographics
stimulus materials
professionally created ads
toilet paper used as the product category
3 treatment condition ads were created to be exactly the same; the headline and body copy appeared in the same spaces, but the content of the copy was different for each treatment
the ads displayed the same picture of a roll of toilet paper, with the same name 'Greenleaf' and displayed the same background scene of greenery and trees
the control ad used an identical layout but with a different brand name 'Soft n Gentle' with a blue sky with clouds as the background to remove any reference to ecological themes
strong ad claims will create greater ad credibility than weak green ad claims
strong ad claims will create greater ad credibility than a cause-related marketing claim
strong ad claims will create more positive attitudes toward the ad than weak green ad claims
strong ad claims will create more positive attitudes toward the brand than weak green ad claims
strong ad claims will create stronger purchase intentions than weak green ad claims
general environmental attitude will directly and positively influence green ad involvement
green ad credibility will lead to a positive attitude toward a green ad
green ad credibility will lead to more positive brand attitudes
example diss online: consumers' attitude towards printed green advertising
to examine and compare Swedish consumers' attitudes toward advertising in general and green advertising found in printed media
research questions
what are the differences among attitudes toward printed advertising in general and printed green advertising?
how are the attitudes toward printed green advertising influenced by age and income?
theoretical framework
Ducoffe extended model
used for measuring attitude towards advertising on the web
3 different factors: entertainment, informativeness and irritation
then they added ad credibility and demographics
Consumer response to green advertising: the influence of product involvement
examines the differential effects of green appeals for low involvement and high involvement products
ad message with green appeals leads to more favourable attitude toward the ad, brand and increases purchase intention than an ad without green appeals
for low involving products, a message with green appeals will yield a more favourable attitude toward the ad, brand and purchase intention than a message without green appeals
for high involving products, a message with green appeals will yield no more favourable attitude toward the ad, attitude toward the brand, or greater purchase intention than a message without green appeals
for low involving products, the positive effect of green appeals will be more pronounced for individuals with high vs low environmental concerns in terms of attitude toward the ad
for high involving products, individuals with high vs low environmental concerns will have a similar attitude toward the ad, the brand and purchase intention
2 (ad type: green vs. non green) x 2(product involvement: low vs. high) x 2 (environmental concern: low vs. high)
2 versions of base ad developed for each product, one of which contains a green appeal
base ad contained only product info e.g. benefits and attributes - in green ad had a green logo and a tagline on environmental performance of the company
subjects viewed 1 of the 4 ads
dependent variables
attitude toward the ad 7 point scale
attitude toward the brand
purchase intention (if you were in the market for advertised product, how likely is it that you would choose advertised brand? 7 point scale