Social Sciences - Water Mind map 2
The journey of water
- Rain falls to the earth - precipitation
- People build dams on rivers. Dams store millions of litres of water
- The water treatment plant / centre cleans the water from dams
- The reservoir stores the clean water. usually has a roof to stop it getting dirty again
- Special pumps at the pumping station push the water through underground pipes
- Water reaches the people trough these underground pipes out the taps
Storing Water
- Dams
People build on rivers to store the water
Mountain - river source
Sluice gates
- Reservoirs or water tanks
Groundwater - pumped up from the ground
Big storage tanks
Pollution and Water Waste
Water Pollution = is when waste, chemicals or other particles cause a body of water (i.e. rivers, oceans & lakes) to become harmful to the fish and animals that need water to survive. Water pollution can disrupt or negatively impact nature's water cycle as well.
Waste water
Construction sites
Waste water = dirty water
Waste water - dirty water - is taken from our bathrooms to sewers. Pipes called sewers take the waste water away from the settlements. the sewers take the waste water to the sewage works. Water is then cleaned here. It then goes back to the rivers. We can then take this water and purify it and re-use it. the process of cleaning water and using it again is called recycling.
Water Conservation save water
Ways to save water
Teach people about the importance of water
Fix water leaks immediately including taps that drip
Install water saving devices on taps and toilets
Do not wash dishes with water running constantly
Shower rather than bath
Direct rain water to garden beds and lawns
Ways to protect the quality of water
Do not litter in water or the ground
Grow plants on bare area's to prevent soil draining away to rivers and dams
Store and dispose of household chemicals properly
Use fertiliser sparingly and avoid harmful pesticides
Never pour anything other than water down the drains