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Do FLEETING changes of facial expressions show whether someone is telling…
changes of facial expressions show whether someone is telling lies?
brief / fleeting encounter — короткая встреча, мимолётное свидание
casual / cursory / fleeting / passing glance — взгляд мельком
fleeting impression — мимолетное впечатление
fleeting / passing thought — мелькнувшая мысль
DEMEANOUR манера, поведение Physically attractive and possessed of considerable personal charm, his demeanour was self-effacing, gracious and polite.
misDEMEANOUR a bad or unacceptable action that is not very serious He was convicted in court on a misdemeanor charge..Alfred beat his children for even the smallest misdemeanour
CONCEDE(admit)уступать, признавать, допускать, проигрывать, признавать поражение
to concede a point [in an argument] — уступить /сдаться/ в каком-л. вопросе [в споре]
conceding for a moment that ... — допустим на минуту, что ...
I concede that I might have been wrong — допускаю, что я мог ошибиться ...She
readily concedes
that there is much work still to be done
the athlete conceded when he saw that he had lost — спортсмен признал победу соперника
to admit / accept / concede defeat — признать поражение
grave problems, situations, or worries are very great or bad → serious
I have serious doubts about whether he’s up to the job.
I’m seriously worried about her.
the scorn of death — презрение к смерти
He felt
for his working-class parents.CONTEMPT
to spot a criminal — опознать преступника
I spotted him at once as an American — я сразу узнал в нём американца
they profess extreme regret — они притворяются /делают вид/, что очень сожалеют
- претендовать
to be reluctant to concede неохотно признавать
They got into a dodgy situation.
Они попали в довольно щекотливую ситуацию
They got involved with a dodgy businessman and lost all their savings.Careful - that chair's a bit dodgy.They got into a dodgy situation.I can't come in to work today - I've got a bit of a dodgy stomach.The weather might be a bit dodgy at this time of year.
Они попали в довольно щекотливую ситуацию
He was a brilliant