Troubleshooting Tasks: Troubleshooting DHCPv6 is similar to troubleshooting DHCPv4. Similar to IPv4 addresses, an IPv6 address lease can expire on a client that still needs to connect to the network. The show ipv6 dhcp conflict command displays any address conflicts logged by the stateful DHCPv6 server.The show ipv6 interface interface command can be used to verify the method of address allocation indicated in the RA message as indicated by the settings of the M and O flags. When troubleshooting any DHCP issue, whether it is DHCPv4 or DHCPv6, network connectivity can be verified by configuring a static IP address on a client workstation. If the DHCPv6 client is unable to obtain information from a DHCPv6 server, verify that the switch port is enabled and is operating correctly. If the stateless or stateful DHCPv6 server is functioning correctly, but is on a different IPv6 network or VLAN than the client, the problem may be with the DHCPv6 relay agent.