sustainability of natural resources

natural resources image

anything in nature that people value

air water fossil fuels plants and animals are natural resources.

there are 2 types which are renewable and non renewable

plastics are not natural resources

reducing reusing and recycling helps to conserve our resources.

population growth image

climate change image

global warming is the average temperature of earth

earth gets warmer naturally but this is happening a lot faster

global warming is caused by gases that trap heat.

humans burning fossil fuels is putting more green house gases in the atmosphere.

trees remove carbon dioxide so we need to plant more trees.

global warming is causing bad weather and diesease, but we can still fix the problem.

humans should use less fossil fuels and more renewable resources.

about 200 years, the human population increased by alot

earth can only hold a certian amount of people

in 10 years, there will be more than 8 billion people on earth

more people are on earth is using up our resources more quickly.

recycling can reduce how much resources are being used.

soil image

erosion moves the sediment to other places

soil has different layers and the top soil has the most humus

soil is mix of rocks, water, and dead stuff

weathering breaks rocks into small pieces called sediments

plants need rocks and humus to grow

plants cannot grow in bed rock, so we must protect our top soil

Greenhouse effect image

greenhouse effect is the warming of earth

greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, trap heat on earth

without the green house gases, earth would be too cold to live on

too much greenhouse gases can cause global warming

humans are causing global warming

humans can reduce global warming by burning less fossil fuels and rasing less cows.

humans and their environment

in the last 200 years humans have greatly impacted the environment.

during the industrial revolution, there was more people and more population.

using nonrenewable resources cause lots of pollution and will eventually run out.

for our survival we need to do things to help the environment

air pollution image

conserving our resources will cause less air pollution.

cows produce lots of methane, which is a greenhouse gas.

air pollution can mix with clouds to cause acid rain

Ozone when its up high protect from the sun, but becomes poisonous when it's near us.

air pollution can cause cancer and global warming

burning fossil fuels releases poisonous gases, such as Co2

air pollution can come from different places such as cars.
