Sustainability of Natural Resources

Climate change

Conserving energy


Fossil Fules

Solar Energy

Natural resources

Anything in nature that people value

Air, Water, Plants and animals are natural resources

Plastic is not a natural resources

There are 2 types of natural resources which are renewable and nonrenewable

Reducing, reusing, and recycling will conserve our resources

Global warming is about the temperature of the Earth.

The Earth's temperature is increasing faster than normal.

Global warming is caused by green house gasses.

The gasses trap heat on the Earth (Greenhouse effect)

People using fossil fuels are producing more carbon dioxide

Trees remove some of the carbon dioxide.

Climate change is causing more bad weather and diseases but, we can fix the problem by conserving our resources.


Soil is a mix of water, rocks and dead stuff.

Weathering breaks rocks into small pieces called sediments

Erosion is when small rocks called sediments get moved to different places.

Rocks and humus helps plant grow

Soil has different layers and the topsoil has the most humus.

Plants cannot grow in the bedrock, so we must protect the topsoil

Population growth

Earth can support a certin amount of people

about 200 years ago, the human population growed a lot.

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Air Pollution

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Greenhouse effect

Global warming causes problems

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More humans on earth are using our resources faster

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In more than 10 years earth will have more than 8 billion people

Humans can reduce their use to help with conservation

recycling is a good way to conserve our resources

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Humans and their environment

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For the last 200 years, humans have greatly impacted the environment

Humans can do things to help the environment because we need to for our survival.

Using nonrenewable resources, such as plastic, is causing major problems

The 3 ways to help the environment are conserving, chiming and cleaning up.

During the industrial revolution, human population has increased and caused lots of pollution