Fibromyalgia- group of conditions involving chronic inflammation of muscles, their connective tissues and tendons, and capsules of nearby joints Hernia- protusion of an organ through its body cavity wall, usually caused by heavy lifting or obesity and subsequental muscle weakening Myofascial Pain Syndrome- pain caused by tightened bands of muscle fibers, which twitch when skin is touched caused by overuse of muscle or strained postural muscles Strain- "pulled muscle" excessive stretching or possible tearing of a muscle due to overuse or abuse Clostridium Tetani- presistent painful spasms of skeletal muscles Torticollia- condition where neck stays rotated to one side resulting from muscle spasms or birth Tennis Elbow- tenderness due to the overuse of the origin of the forearm extensor muscles at the humerus Shin Splints(Tibial Stress Syndrome) painful inflammation of the muscles, tendons, and connective tissues surrounding the tibia Ruptured Calcaneal Tendon- abrupt pain after rupture