Elements and Importance of Communication Process


Speech communication begins with a speaker


the medium used to transmit the signal from the transmitter to the receiver.

In a face-to-face, in-person speaking situation,

), a message, a receiver (that is, an audience), and a channel

the channel will be computer mediated audio and visual


You must narrow your topic down to something you can discuss

The message is whatever a speaker communicates to someone else

content:Condense your speech into one sentence:

. Your success as a speaker depend on you-on your personal credibility, your knowledge of the subject, your preparation of the speech

Communicating is at times an intimidating experience for people

Purpose of a Speaker

● When a speaker seeks to inform

● When a speaker aims to persuade an audience,

structure: Choose speech content that contains just the right amount of just the right:

● Make your speech structure clear to the audience.

● Use your speech structure to stress your most important points


In the classroom, students may be speaking to the entire group but making a special effort to address the professor's expectations.

Speakers communicate differently to different audiences

A general audience is everyone who will hear the speech or read the paper


Have two kinds of interference in public speaking. External and internal

is anything that impedes the communication of a message.


Time and place.

Conversation always takes place in a certain situation.

Public speakers must also be alert to the situation


Feedback is the response that listeners provide to the sender of the message.

is a cue to the speaker to modify or regulate what is being said

They send back messages of their own