centralise: tập trung=concentrate
cost-effect: hiệu quả, xứng đáng với chi phí
counter-urbanisation: phản đô thị hóa
densely populated: đông dân
downmarket: giá rẻ bình dân
interest-free: ko lãi suất
mindset: định kiến
thought-proviking: đáng để suy nghĩ
weather-beaten; dãi dầu sương gió
well-established: đc hình thành từ lâu
compound adj( made of two or more words):
adj+N+ed: one-eyed
number+singular count noun
adj/adv+ past participle
N+adj: snow-white
adj+adj: dark-blue
others: day to day
The subjunctive mood
Be used in a that-clause after reporting verbs as: ask, insist
Be used a that-clause " it+be+adj" as:vital, neccessary
With noun"it+be+noun" as:recommemdation, suggestion
A sound made by combining two vowels in to a single one
The first part of a dipthong is much longer and stronger than the second part
There are 8 dipthongs in English