Chapter 18
The Linux System
Silberschatz - Operating System Concepts 9th
- Linux History
The Linux Kernel
The Linux System
Linux Distributions
Linux Licensing
2.Design Principles
Components of a Linux System
System Libraries
System Utilities
3.Kernel Modules
Module Management
Driver Registration
Conflict Resolution
Device drivers
File system
Network protocols
Binary format
- Process Management
The fork() and exec() PRocess Model
Processes and Threads
Process Identity
Process ID (PID)
Process Environment
Process Context
Scheduling context
File table
File-System context
Signal-handler table
Virtual memory context
- Scheduling
Process Scheduling
Real-Time Scheduling
Kernel Synchronization
Symmetric Multiprocessing
- Memory Management
Management of Physical Memory
Virtual Memory
Execution and Loading of User Programs
Lifetime of a Virtual Address Space
Swapping and Paging
Kernel Virtual Memory
Mapping of Programs into Memory
Static and Dynamic Linking
- File Systems
The Virtual File System
The Linux ext3 File System
The Linux Process File System
- Input and Output
Block Devices
Character Devices
- Interprocess Communication
Synchronization and Signals
Passing of Data among Processes
- Network Structure
- Security
Access Control
Daniela Porras Quiros