Chapter 18
The Linux System
Silberschatz - Operating System Concepts 9th

  1. Linux History

The Linux Kernel

The Linux System

Linux Distributions

Linux Licensing

2.Design Principles

Components of a Linux System


System Libraries

System Utilities

3.Kernel Modules

Module Management

Driver Registration

Conflict Resolution

Device drivers

File system

Network protocols

Binary format

  1. Process Management

The fork() and exec() PRocess Model

Processes and Threads

Process Identity

Process ID (PID)




Process Environment

Process Context

Scheduling context


File table

File-System context

Signal-handler table

Virtual memory context

  1. Scheduling

Process Scheduling

Real-Time Scheduling

Kernel Synchronization

Symmetric Multiprocessing

  1. Memory Management

Management of Physical Memory

Virtual Memory

Execution and Loading of User Programs

Lifetime of a Virtual Address Space

Swapping and Paging

Kernel Virtual Memory

Mapping of Programs into Memory

Static and Dynamic Linking

  1. File Systems

The Virtual File System

The Linux ext3 File System


The Linux Process File System

  1. Input and Output

Block Devices

Character Devices

  1. Interprocess Communication

Synchronization and Signals

Passing of Data among Processes

  1. Network Structure
  1. Security


Access Control

Daniela Porras Quiros