Local Culture, Popular Cultures, and Cultural Landscapes

Field Note

What are local and popular cultures?

Tata Family/Corporation

A rich family that owns many businesses

Members of the Parsi religion


Fled to Persia (Iran)

Then came to India after showing they could bring wealth to country

About 60,000 Parsi in India out of 1.3 billion

India is 85% Hindu

Large share compared to making up 0.00046% of population

Possible reasons

Strong ties w/ British while India was a colony

Started off in cotton industry early

Invested into other industries

Only accepted if both parents Parsi (some exceptions for born to Parsi men)

Religion declining

Systems of beliefs, norms, and values

Folk Culture

Homogeneous population

Typically rural


Popular culture


Heterogeneous population

Typically urban

Local culture

Self-identify as a collective

Share experiences, customs, traits

2 common practices

Culture changes over time

Values/practices change

Change other places

Material culture

Defined by creations

Nonmaterial culture

Defined by beliefs, practices, aesthetics

Changes as fast as in minutes

Often by hierarchal diffusion

Fashion, such as Kate Middleton's bridal gown, is good example

Spread from hearths

Important cities

Important people/groups of people

Often diffuse w/ other cultures

How are local cultures sustained?


Native Americans in 1800s/1900s

Occurred w/ Indigenous cultures elsewhere too

Punished for practicing culture

Taught "american" customs/practices in schools and on reservations

Many other countries (Canada/Australia) publically apologized

Customs- common practice

Maintaining culture

Keeping other cultures out

Rural tend to maintain better

Changes over years

Rural local cultures

Include anabaptists (Mennotites, Amish, Hutterites, etc)

Hutturite: Women viewed lesser

Makah Native Americans

In 90's reinstated whale hunt because cultural tradition

Little Sweden, USA

Town that celebrates swedish culture

Neolocalism- celebrating culture in a different region than origin

Urban Local Cultures

Some maintain culture through ethnic neighborhoods to practice cultural traditions w/ other members of the same culture

Local Cultures and Cultural Apporpriation

Commodification- something that wasn't thought of as something to sell becomes a product

Searching for authenticity often simplifies/stereotypes cultures

Often material culture is sold by nonmembers

sometimes the observing the culture is sold

Such as spiritual treks through himalayas with Nepolese guides

Authenticity of Places

guinness and the Irish pub company

They partnered up to create templates for Irish-feeling pubs to be created across the world

How is popular culture diffused?

Hearths of popular culture

Replacing old hearths with new


Technology or lack thereof impacts diffusion greatly, especially in the present

Distance decay- less diffusion when physically farther

Time space compression- refers to the connectivity to visual predicted diffusion

Example of stimulus diffusion: Renren and Kaixin001 as copies of Facebook

Examples of hierarchal diffusion- hip hop, Dave Matthew's band

Hearths globalize local culture


Taking a piece of popular culture and making it with aspects of local culture

Hip hop was created in NY and has been reterritorialized for other areas (London, France, Indonesia, etc)

As culture changes, hearths do too

Skateboarding etc

Stemming the tide of popular culture-Losing the local?

Popular culture can act as a new force of assimilation

Local cultures interpret, choose, and reshape popular culture

Influence of US, Europe, Japan, and South Korea across the world

Can displace local culture such as in movie revenue

How can local and popular cultures be seen in the cultural landscape?

Cultural landscape- impact of people on area

Placelessness- not really unique

Architecture styles and planning diffused

Individual businesses and products diffused to far places


Such as the use of skyscrapers

Meant to evoke a different place

Global-local continuum- borrowing and mixing concepts/aesthetics

Glocalization- taking popular culture and adapting it into local culture

Cultural landscapes of popular culture

Example- Morman landscape in Southwest US

Brought unique building styles

Morphology- size and shape of buildings/infrastructure

example: Change in interests in basket ball to videogaming