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Evan Koser - AS 1 Timeline (French and Indian War 1754-1763 (Causes of…
Evan Koser - AS 1 Timeline
French and Indian War 1754-1763
British Policies (1764-1774)
Colonies Resist (1765)
Declaration of Independence
American Revolution
Patriots (1776)
Patriots were colonists that were loyal to the American colonies rather than the British. Patriots were in favor of a revolution.
Loyalists/Tories (1776)
Loyalists were colonists that were loyal to the British and were in favor of the acts. Loyalists were not in favor of a revolution.
Geographic knowledge of land (1776)
The colonists had much more knowledge of the geography as they were fighting a defensive war in which they were fighting in their own territory. The British didn’t know the terrain very well, which was a disadvantage.
Battle of Lexington/Concord (1775)
General Thomas Gage ordered soldiers to Concord to destroy the colonist’s weapon supply. Minutemen met them in Lexington and violence started. 13 British soldiers were killed.
Battle of Long Island (1776)
General Thomas Gage ordered soldiers to Concord to destroy the colonist’s weapon supply. Minutemen met them in Lexington and violence started. 13 British soldiers were killed.
Battle of Saratoga (1777)
The British try to overtake the Americans. The Americans take very key locations forcing the British to surrender. This battle was important as it impressed France and convinced them to help fund the war.
French Alliance (1778)
The French formed an alliance with the Americans in which they would give the Americans troops, money, ammunition. The French formed the alliance because of the Battle of Saratoga
Treaty of Paris (1783)
The Treaty of Paris of 1783 was a document signed in Paris establishing America as an independent country and also set boundaries. Both the British and the Americans were required to repay debt to each other.
Valley Forge (1778)
Valley Forge was the place the Americans set up their winter camp. The Americans endured a very harsh winter with soldiers getting frostbite, desertion, and very low morale. Baron Von Steuben, a German born American, teaches soldiers how to survive the winter.
Battle of Yorktown (1781)
George Washington and Rochambeau (French general) manage to trick the smaller half of the British army by building forts and then heading south. The American soldiers then manage to trap the British at Yorktown, forcing them to surrender. This was the final battle of the war.
Natural Rights (1776)
Natural Rights were a philosophy by John Locke. Natural Rights were the rights you were born with such as life, liberty, and property. Natural Rights followed the golden rule.
Social Contract (1776)
Social Contract was a philosophy by Thomas Hobbes in which people gave up rights in exchange for protection. Social Contract believed that the ruler gets power from the people, and that if the ruler is not suiting it’s role, it can be removed.
Sons/Daughters of Liberty
A secretive political organization originally formed to protest the Stamp Act which believed in Representative government and individual rights. The Sons of Liberty often used very violent methods.
Homespun Movement (1770)
The Homespun Movement was a socially acceptable way to protest acts by the British. Women would create goods so that the colonists didn’t have to buy them from the British.
Boycotts (1770)
The colonists performed many boycotts of items in order to protest the acts. The homespun movement was a major part of this as it created replacement items for the items that colonists were boycotting.
The Boston Massacre (1770)
The Boston Massacre was a protest in which a crowd of colonists gathered around british soldiers, scaring one into accidently firing. 5 colonists were killed. This incident fueled tons of propaganda.
Boston Tea Party (1773)
The Boston Tea Party was an incident led by the Sons of Liberty in which colonists dumped around 92,000 pounds of tea into the ocean, causing over $1 million dollars worth of damage. This incident was in direct response to the tea act.
Committees of Correspondence (1772)
The Committees of Correspondence was a way for colonies to communicate their dissatisfaction with the British. This communication helped bring unity to the colonies as the relationship with the British worsened.
Sugar Act (1764)
The Sugar Act was an act that taxed the imports of sugar, molasses, and rum from outside the British empire. The act also reduced the previous tax to reduce smuggling. The only purpose for the act was to help pay off debt from the French and Indian War.
Stamp Act (1765)
The Stamp Act was an act that taxed pretty much everything made of paper. The purpose for the act was also to pay off debt from the French and Indian War. The act was later repealed in 1766 by the British because of the protesting.
Townshend Acts (1767)
The Townshend Acts were an array of acts which were mainly intended for gaining power over the Colonists. The first part suspended the NY assembly, and the second part put a tax on paint, lead, paper, glass, and tea.
Quartering Acts (1765 and 1774)
An act where Colonists must pay for the housing and needs of British soldiers. The main purpose of this act was to reduce the costs for the military. This act was to be modified to where Colonists were required to let Colonists into their private homes in 2 years.
Tea Act (1773)
The Tea Act was an act which actually lowered the price of tea, except that it had to be bought from the British East India Company. The Colonists saw this as corrupt and protested, which caused the British to pass the Intolerable Acts.
Intolerable Acts (1774)
The Intolerable Acts were an array of acts with the main purpose of showing power over the Colonists. The most notable parts of the Intolerable Acts would be that they closed Boston Harbor until all destroyed tea was paid for, Colonists could not try British officials accused of crimes, and the British appointed councils instead of allowing them to be elected by Colonists.
Causes of French and Indian War
Treaty of Paris (1763)
Because the French lost the war, they had to sign the 1763 Treaty of Paris. The Treaty of Paris said that the British gain everything east of the Mississippi river and Spain gets everything else.
Montreal/Quebec falling to British (1760)
First, the British managed to capture Ft. Ticonderoga which is considered the turning point of the war. Then, the British took Montreal/Quebec, which was pretty important considering it’s their capital.
Pitt increased Spendings (1757)
The British weren’t doing very well in the war because they didn’t have enough funding. The French managed to capture Ft. William Henry, which scared William Pitt into increasing war spending.
Death of Jumonville(1754)
The British and French soldiers clash as they aren’t happy with each other building forts in the area. The British manage to eliminate some French lookouts but accidently kill a very high ranking French guy, this starts the war.
French building Ft. Duquesne (1754)
The French built Ft. Duquesne in order to have more control over the Ohio River Valley. The Governor of Virginia sends George Washington to inform them that they need to leave. The French said no. In response, the British built Ft. Necessity.
Importance of Ohio River Valley
Both the French and the British needed the Ohio River Valley for an all-water route to the New Orleans / Gulf of Mexico. Also, the French could only expand to the southeast and the British could only expand west, causing a conflict.
British building Ft. Necessity(1754)
The British built Ft. Necessity because the French had built Ft. Duquesne. When the British asked the French to leave Ft. Duquesne, they refused. Therefore, they decided to build their own Ft. Necessity.
Pontiac's Rebellion (1763-1766)
Pontiac’s rebellion was an event where Pontiac, leader of the Ottawas, started a 5 month siege on Fort Detroit because he was dissatisfied with the British policies.
Proclamation of 1763
The Proclamation of 1763 prevented the British from settling west, however most colonists chose to ignore it. The Proclamation of 1763 also prevented violence with the Native Americans.
Effect of French and Indian War
The French and Indian War caused Britain to go into a lot of debt, which caused the British to start taxing the Colonists. The taxing developed a sense of unity among colonists.